Traffy Law

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Sick!Law X Reader

Law: Ugh... *cough*

Author: Law~ get back in that bed before I shoot you~

Law: No.

Me:*prepares gun*


Law wasn't at his best condition, so he popped a pill of certain and went on with his day.

Along the day he felt groggy and tired. But he went on, until lunch time.

Arriving at the dinning place, he found his girlfriend, (Y/N), eating with some other crew mates.

He sat beside you, with a minuscule smile.

"Hi Law." You said, kissing his cheek, until you felt how hot it was. Which made you a bit concerned.

"Hey you okay?" You asked, he nodded in response. Soon face planting in his food. Which freaked all of you out.

After Bepo carried him to the infirmary, you took his temperature and did whatever else he would do when you were sick.

After some experiments you figured it wasn't serious. He was just finally sick after his unhealthy habits.

After that, Bepo took him to his bed and cuddled with him, as you just placed a chair backwards and watched him sleep.

After about two hours he woke up, getting out of bed. But you stopped him.

"Back to bed mister." You said, pointing at the bed.

"Kitten-ya, I'm the one who gives orders as captain here. Not you." He said, with a tired face, pretty much ready to pass out again.

"Law, you can nearly stay awake! Please, go back to bed!" You pleaded worryingly.

Law knew you were right, and went back to bed.

You tucked him in, making sure he was nice and comfy, before kissing his head.

As soon as you turned around, Law grabbed your wrist.

"We're do you think you're going? Your sleeping with me, Captains orders." He said.

You rolled your eyes and undressed slightly to go to bed with him, as soon as you got in the covers he cuddled to you, smelling your hair and remaining in that position, until he fell asleep.

You went to get his dinner, bringing it to him, as soon as you got there, Law was trying to get out of bed and work.

"Law!" You yelled at him.

"Yes?" He asked, looking pale and even more tired.

You placed the soup on the desk and dragged him back to bed, grabbing the soup and feeding it to him.

"Kitten-ya, I can feed myself. Give me the spoon." He said annoyed.

"I don't trust you when it comes to stuff like this, now open up." You told him. He refused.

"Every spoonful is a night were i do whatever you want and whenever you want it during sexy time after you get better~" You sang. Suddenly he ate 30 spoonfuls or more, you were doomed but oh well.

After many cuddles, back to beds, lovingly made soups by you, medicine and Laws cute grumpy face, he finally got better.

"Oh (Y/N)-ya~ remember what you said~?" He sang sexually to you. Here comes many painful days.

"Yes. Wanna do it now?" You asked.

"Call me Master~" He said.



Law: *still sick*

Author: Go sleep human.

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