Trafalgar Law (2)

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Me: Hm....

Law: Sleep...

Me: But the story...

Law: Shut up and sleep...


You turned around. Facing Trafalgar Law. In his boxers. Oh you lucky lady...

You picked up your cats and started running, not paying attention to the nosebleeds of your bare butt being shown.

Suddenly you face hit someone's chest. You fell on your butt with your two cats. You looked up and saw a big man.

"Captain ordered us to not let you escape." The man said. Nnnnuuuuhhhhh...

"Thank you Jean Bart-ya. Now miss (Y/N)-ya, stay put otherwise I will have no other choice but to use force." Law said behind you. You tried running but this so called Jean Bart grabbed you by your shirt.

"What the hell do you want, Fuckboy?" You asked annoyed.

"Join my crew."

"And if I don't?" You asked.

"The fur balls die." He said as his eyes were shadowed by his eyes.

He really hates cats. Dang. This is your chance.

"Fine I'll join you. But the cats come with. And I'm not sharing a room with these boiler suite men." You huffed, letting your cats go, crossing your arms and puffing your cheeks.

"Deal. We'll have your stuff brought here by sundown. And nice ass." He said walking away. Asshole.

After all of your stuff was moved to a bedroom, you noticed something. Where was your bed?

"Captain Fuckboy were is my bed?" You asked. Still in just the shirt.

"Oh, your sleeping with me in my bed. Captains orders." He said smirking.

You didn't really care right now, you went to the bed covered yourself and dozed off.

You felt your daughters join you in bed, one massaged your head and the other went on top of you, purring.

Law walked in and started working, when he heard you groan.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He said.

"I'm all itchy and there isn't anything good about mornings." You said scratching yourself al over as your skin went red with small little bumps all over.

The cats went to Law and started walking on his desk, pushing his stuff to the floor.

He turned around to look at you and tell you to take your stupid cats off his desk, when he looks at you itching your rash filled skin.

He pulls a cream out of... Somewhere and hands it to you.

"Put this wherever the rash is every 12 hours. It's an allergic reaction to your cat fur in such a clean bed." He said with a tired expression.

"And brush this birds nest, love." He said kissing your head, which you punched his arm for, making him smirk.

After applying the cream basically every were the rash was, you noticed some thing.

"Uh... Can I use this cream everywhere.?" You asked blushing.

"Yes." He said still working.

"Even my....?" You asked.

"Your what?" He asked smirking.

"My vagina, captain. The female genital. Can I use it there?" You asked blushing.

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