Supernovas x yonko!reader

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Hello! This was requested by Aesthithicbitch

This one took a while, especially cause its longer than usual lol. I'm trying to participate in JuNoWriMo so hopefully there will be more one shots coming out! Or who knows? I might finally publish a freaking book!

"Well, well, well." You smirked, looking down at the pirate.

You watched the tattooed man, waiting for an opportunity to strike.


A strange feeling erupted from your body, vertigo of some sort as your location changed.

"What do we have here~," He asked, intrigued.

"Eh?" You muttered, now realizing you were being held bridal style by the man.

"Looks like I have a spy to deal with." He smirked.

"Oh? And I hid so nicely too." You pouted dramatically.

"If you tell me who you work for I'll let you keep your heart." He offered.

"How about no?" You batted your eyelashes.

Before he could pull out your heart, you transformed it into water and left his grasp.

"A devil fruit user?" He asked himself.

"Something like that." You winked.

"Good to know." He mused, cutting the rest of you in half.

"What the heck?!" You exclaimed, watching your legs become a separate piece.

"If you don't tell me who you work for I'll keep cutting~" He threatened, sword in hand.

You gave him a confused look, transforming your whole body into water and connecting it once again.

"Oh." He deadpanned.

"Any other tricks up your sleeve, Trafalgar?" You asked with a hand on your hip.

"Tsc." He growled.

"I guess it's my turn!~" You exclaimed sweetly.

With your arms out, you pulled moisture from the air and the nearby ocean, creating thousands of small droplets around you.

A small smirk graced your features, with the turn of a hand all them became sharp icicles in Law's direction.

The man pulled out his sword to cut them, before realizing his mistake as they so multiplied.

"I thought a pirate captain would know a little more." You ridiculed.

The man changed his pose, worry painted his face as he tried to concoct a new plan.

"Room." He said, using his hands to expand a blue orb.

"Boring!" You groaned, sticking out your tongue.

Before the man could finish, you incorporated the droplets into your own body and advanced in his direction.

Law attempted to react as the liquid became stuck to his chest like cement. He felt himself thrown back first on the floor, knocking the wind out of him.

The water left his body, shaping on top of him into his enemy.

"It's a shame you were so boring." You teased, pressing your foot into his windpipe.

Gritting his teeth, the pirate reached his sword and slashed at your leg. You raised a brow, somewhat intrigued at the small gash left before you could become water.

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