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Pairing: Evie Frye
Warning: it's a bit short
Note: Blueprintlizzard started a book called Assassin's Creed: Revolution! Check it out if you're interested!
Requested by: TigerShvrk_94 

"Try again." 

Y/n huffed, tugging on the hilt of the knife. Stumbling backward, Y/n landed on her bottom with a grunt. 

"Y/n," Evie sighed. 

"I know, I know. Stay on your feet, never stumble, yadda, yadda," Y/n sighed, getting up to her feet. 

Y/n balanced the knife in her hand before throwing it at a target board. The knife flew over the board causing her to sigh. 

"Try again," Evie said with another sigh. 



Y/n picked up another knife from the table. Balancing it again in her hand, Y/n chucked it forward to the target board. 


"You're getting closer." 

"Not really, the knife hit the board," Y/n mumbled. 

"But it's still an improvement," said Evie, taking the knife out. "Why don't we practice your Leap instead?" 

Standing on the edge of the building, Y/n looked down on the pile of hay

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Standing on the edge of the building, Y/n looked down on the pile of hay. Standing next to the hay was her mother. 

"Take a running start and jump, Y/n." 

Easier said than done, Mum

Y/n took a deep breath in and did as her mother said. 


Y/n poked her head up from the pile of hay causing Evie to chuckle. She plucked some stray hay from Y/n's hair before pulling her daughter up to her feet. 

"I don't know if I can be an assassin like you or Uncle Jacob, Mum," Y/n admitted. "I don't think I'm cut out to be one."

"Just keep practicing, Y/n. You'll get there eventually," said Evie. "Would you like to hear how long it took your uncle to climb without slipping?" 

"Really? He failed at climbing?" 

"Oh, yes. He was a reckless climber." 

".....that explains why Emmet is so reckless." 

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