Just to Chat

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Part 2 of Dark Times. I also tweaked the request just a bit if that's okay with @PhoebeClark4

"Helena?" The Korean-American woman looked up from her book to see Arno.

"Yes?" She replied, shutting her book.

"We need a favor from you," said Arno.

"And by "we" you mean everyone," said Helena with a sigh. "Alright. What is it?"

Helena sat on a tree branch with Connor sitting beside her.

"A girl with a depressive disorder," Helena marveled. "Interesting."

"It will be wise to be careful," said Connor. "She has not met you before and will be on her guard."

"Everyone would be," Helena replied. "Your people were when I first arrived in your village despite your explanation."

Connor squeezed Helena's shoulder and the two dropped down from the branch. Outside of Y/n's room are Ezio, Arno, Jacob, and Evie.

Helena shooed them all away and Connor knocked on Y/n's door. The door slowly opened and Y/n peered out.

"Hello, Y/n," said Helena. "Would you care to go on a stroll with Connor and I?"

Y/n trudged after Connor and Helena through the forest. She pulled her hood over her head and stopped when Helena tugged it down.

"I understand that I am a stranger to you," said Helena. "Connor has a lot of trust in me. You don't need to be so on guard."

Y/n examined Helena from head to toe. Helena's sleek black hair is loose, her brown eyes warm and accepting, her clothes were tight yet loose enough for her to move around freely, and boots allowing her to climb.

"You can trust her, Y/n," said Connor. "There is no one else I would trust more than her."

"In the household at least," Helena teased.

Connor cracked a smile and Helena punched Connor's shoulder.

"It's right up ahead," said Helena. "Our destination at least."

The trio continued through the forest and stopped at the bottom of a cliff. The three climbed to the top and the cliff overlooked the ocean.

"I come here often to recollect my thoughts," Helena explained, sitting down at the edge of the cliff; allowing her legs to dangle.

Y/n sat down next to Helena and Connor started to leave.

By the time the two returned back home, Helena had to carry Y/n back. Y/n had fallen asleep on the walk back.

"She's feeling better," said Helena. "I'd advise to keep an eye on her though. This disorder comes and goes at random."

"Thank you," said Connor. "Will you be returning to your cabin?"

"Where else am I going to stay?" Helena replied.

"Stay here then. With us. Y/n enjoyed your company. Perhaps your company is what she needed."

"As long as you don't mind."

"I don't and I never did."

Assassin's Creed Daughter Imagines (FINISHED| NEW REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED)Where stories live. Discover now