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Pairing: all assassins
Warning: panic attack
Note: N/A
Requested by: @PhoebeClark4

"You need to let go, Y/n," said Evie, looking down at the five-year-old girl.

Y/n shook her head, refusing to release the female Frye's pant leg. Her teacher spotted the young girl hiding behind her guardian's leg and offered Y/n her hand.

"Come on, Y/n," said her teacher. "Let go off her pant leg and join your friends, mhm?"

Y/n fiercely shook her head again and Evie sighed. She pried Y/n's fingers from her leg and Y/n started to cry when Evie started to walk away.

Her teacher picked Y/n up and Y/n wailed once Evie walked out of the school.

~time skip~

"I swear, Evie. If Y/n's face is red and puffy, I'm going to pound you," Jacob warned.

Evie sighed as she and Jacob entered the school. She and Jacob entered the classroom and someone darted right towards the twins.

Evie wrapped her arms around Y/n's shaking form and picked her up.

Her teacher pulled Jacob to the side and started to whisper.

Panic attack. That's all Jacob got out of the teacher. 

As soon as the trio was out of the school, Jacob turned to face his twin. 

"I told you," Jacob scowled. 

"It's about time she goes!" Evie protested. 

"She had a panic attack!" Jacob retorted. "I told you we should have let her be homeschooled instead!" 

Evie rolled her eyes and started to walk away again. Jacob trudged after Evie back home, glancing over at Y/n's puffy red face every once in a while. 

Back home, Evie placed Y/n down and Ezio swooped down to pull Y/n in for a tight hug. When Y/n didn't embrace Ezio back, Ezio pulled away and saw Y/n is red and puffy. 


Everyone in the household scrambled to see what Ezio was shouting about and chaos erupted. Arno took Y/n from Ezio, cradling her in his arms while the others berated the twins to know what caused the sweet child to cry. 

"Did you pull a prank on her again?" Aveline pointed her finger at Jacob. 

"What? No!" Jacob protested. 

"ENOUGH!" Connor shouted. 

Silence rang out the room and Y/n sniffled again. 

"Pay attention to Y/n first then learn what happened," Connor calmly said. "She needs us more than ever." 

Arno took Y/n out to the garden out in the back. He placed Y/n down on the bench and ruffled her hair. 

"Did the kids bully you?" Arno cooed. "If they did, you bet your cute little nose we will storm the school for you." 

Y/n shook her head as a "no" and held her arms out for Arno. Arno embraced Y/n again, tucking her head under his chin. 

"More huggie," Y/n mumbled. 

"More huggie? We'll get you more huggies." Arno said, standing up. 

Arno took Y/n back inside and saw that there was a small pile of chocolate on the living room table. 

"She wants more hugs!" Arno announced. 

"Why didn't she accept my hug then!?" Ezio cried out. 

"Stop being so dramatic and give her a hug, dammit!" Malik shouted back. 

"Language!" Aveline shouted back. 

She approached Arno and Y/n, hugging them both. Y/n's arms went around Aveline's neck, happily sighing. Another pair of hands took Y/n from Aveline and Connor gave Y/n a gentle squeeze. One by one, each assassin took the time to give Y/n a nice and warm hug until it was Evie. 

"I suppose we could homeschool her," Evie muttered, patting Y/n's back. 

"I told you," Jacob mumbled. 

"We'll deal with her education later," said Connor. "For now, comfort her with sweets." 

"Sweets! Yay!" 

Assassin's Creed Daughter Imagines (FINISHED| NEW REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED)Where stories live. Discover now