Thank You

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Pairing: Edward Kenway
Warning: none
Note: I mentioned this before, I forgot where exactly. I'll mention it again for any newcomers. I have not played Origins or Odyssey, which is why you don't see any mentions or chapters of Kassandra, Alexios, Bayek, or Aya.
Requested by: PhoebeClark4

There could be anything in the world Edward could wish for. Reales, women, rum, and more.

But no.

No, no, no. 

He got a child instead.

Adéwalé was the one who spotted a child floating in the seas. Barely holding onto a wooden board, it's a wonder how she hasn't let go of it yet. Or died.

Coughing up seawater upon arrival on the Jackdaw, the child was not in good condition. Cuts littered across her arms and legs and some on her cheeks. Several bruises lined alongside her cuts.

The doctor took a look at her. Because of the seawater, it's possible that the cuts will become scars as time goes by.

"Poor child. Having scars at such a young age," Adéwalé commented, shaking his head.

"Some people have it harder than others," said Edward. "Like ourselves, for example, Ade. She's had her fair share of hardship, I'm certain of that."

And she has. Y/n is her name and she had a hard time trusting the crew. Edward said to the crew that Y/n will be leaving at a harbor, but she didn't. Nor did she leave at another harbor and another until it was clear that she will be staying.

Edward, with no knowledge of taking care of a child, tried his best.

At first, Y/n stayed inside his cabin at all times. Only coming out after Adéwalé had coaxed her to come out of the cabin. Honestly, if Adéwalé weren't there, taking care of her would've been harder than it already was.

Eventually, Y/n showed a small sign of trust. Allowing Edward to show small signs of affection like patting her head or holding his hand (more like his finger).

When it came to walking around ports, Y/n sat on Edward's shoulders or he carried her around the place.

At this point in time, the scars on Y/n's face are either far too small to be visible or have healed. Meaning women would often comment on how adorable Y/n is when she's with Edward. Until:

"You're such a wonderful father."

That caught Edward off guard at first. He leaned against the Jackdaw's railing, staring out to the sea. Adéwalé approached him, clapping Edward's shoulder. Edward shook out of his thoughts, straightening his posture.

"Can you believe it, Ade? Can you believe that I'm a good father figure to a child?" Edward chuckled.

"I can, as a matter of fact," said Adéwalé. "Look at her, Edward. Look at how she looks up at you with those e/c eyes. Filled with wonder and admiration. It has only been four months since we've found her and she's attached to your side whenever she has the chance to."

Edward chuckled again.

"I suppose you're right."

Entering the cabin, Edward strode over to the bed. Seeing Y/n tangled up in the sheets, sleeping, Edward smiled. Brushing a strand of h/c hair from her eyes, Edward leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Thank you, Daddy."

Edward stilled before pulling away. A soft smile spread on Y/n's face. Edward snorted then smiled.

"And thank you, kid. For showing me that I can love something besides rum."

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