Two Ways

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Pairing: Haytham Kenway 
Note: I've realized I've been spelling Haytham wrong for this whole time by one letter. I spelled it as 'Haythem' and not "Haytham". SOME PHYSICAL APPEARANCE WILL BE GIVEN. 
Requested by: maddison-shimada

                              "Are you sure we can trust the girl, sir?" Charles murmured to Haytham, eyeing the Native girl looking outside the window. 

                               "Y/n?" The girl looked up, her identical grey eyes meeting her father's. 

                               "Even 'er eyes are creepy." Hickey commented. 

                               "I can understand you clearly, thank you," Y/n snaps at Hickey, glaring. 

                                "Did your brother follow you?" Haytham interrupted before Hickey could retort.

                                "No," said Y/n, "I snuck out after he fell asleep. Unlike him, I don't want to be an assassin. I want to be a Templar, like you."


                                 "She can turn on us," Charles argues with Johnson. 

                                 "She can be a spy! Spy on the assassins and tell us their plans!" Johnson argues back

                                   Haytham sat behind his desk, in deep thought. 

                                  "Sir, the decision is yours," said Charles, "What do you say?" 

                                    Haytham sighs and leans back into his seat. 

                                   "Let's see what she can do. Get Cormac in the arena with her."


                                    "Did I hear you correctly?" Shay asked nervously, staring at the teenager in front of him. 

                                     "You heard me correctly, Cormac," said Haytham, "Fight her. And show no mercy." 

                                       Shay swallowed hard, he stared at the Native American girl then got into a fighting position. 

~after the fight~

                                       "Why you little-" Shay grunts, trying to flip Y/n over. 

                                        Despite being fifteen (how old is Connor when he first arrived at the homestead?), Y/n is strong enough to pin a full-grown adult down without a problem.

                                         "So?" Y/n asked, releasing Shay from her grip.

                                          "I'm sorry, Y/n," said Haytham, "I can't let you join." 

                                           "I just-" she started. 

                                            "I know what you did," Haytham cuts her off, "Instead, you can stay here with me until you are older and wiser and more strategic. Do you understand?" Y/n nodded. 

                                             "I understand." 

~time skip~

                                               "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight," an old hag counted, watching Y/n carefully move across the floor with Shay as her "dance" partner. Honestly, Y/n felt a bit bad that Shay had to escort Y/n everywhere she went, including her studies. Her father encouraged her to learn how to be a proper young lady, including how to dance. 

                                                "And you are done for the day, Ms. Kenway. Well done." 

                                                Shay relaxed once the old hag left the room then turns to face Y/n.    

                                                "Damn that old hag," Shay swore, he then started to mutter curses and swears in Gaellish. 

                                                  "Mr. Cormac, you shouldn't swear in front of a lady." Y/n points out. 

                                                   Shay shut his mouth. 

                                                   "Excuse me," Shay muttered. 

                                                    "You're forgiven," said Y/n, "Now, I must be off. Father said he wanted to talk to me about something."    

                                                     A knock on the door stopped Haytham mid-sentence of his report, he placed his quill down. 

                                                     "Come in."

                                                      The door open and he saw that Shay is right behind Y/n. 

                                                       "He doesn't need to come in. You can close the door." Y/n blinked at Haytham in confusion but did as he told her. 

                                                         Haytham pulled the drawer from his desk and pulled out a small black box then opened it. 

                                                         "Come here."

                                                         Y/n went around Haytham's desk and Haytham revealed a Templar ring from the box. 

                                                           "Now," Haytham started, "This doesn't mean you are an official Templar just yet. It means that you are somewhat part of the Order, do you understand?" Y/n gazed at the ring then met her father's eyes. 



I'm sorry this is bad. This isn't what I was hoping for and I probably won't do a part 2 to this either. 

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