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YES! I HAVE RETURNED! I will be doing a CROSSOVER. I also gave up on indenting on Wattpad. Indenting is such a pain in the ass on Wattpad and Tumblr so I'm just going to stick with paragraphs instead. Also, WARNING: RACIST SLUR WILL BE USRD

Jacob handed a bundle over to a young woman.

"Thank you," Jacob murmured to the woman.

"Of course, Jacob," the woman replied. "It's the least I can do."

Jacob brushed the back of his knuckle against the baby's soft cheek. She stirred in the woman's arms and the woman cooed the infant back to sleep.

"You should go," said Jacob. "Take her to Boston, Nellie." The woman nodded.

"Take care, Sir Jacob Frye."

Nellie got on board the steamboat departing for America. She stood by the railing, watching England fade away into nothing.

Nellie cradled the baby Frye in her arms.

"Don't you worry, Y/n," said Nellie. "I'll take good care of you until the nightmare in England is over."

~time skip~

A woman cradled Y/n in her arms as her husband buried Nellie in a graveyard.

The woman and her husband stumbled across Nellie being assaulted by three men.

Her husband had shot the three men dead but he was too late to save Nellie. She was bleeding too much. Her final request was for the woman and her husband to care for the little bundle.

The married couple are Hosea Matthews and Bessie Matthews. The couple agreed to take the baby and care for her as Nellie had requested.

Eighteen years later, Y/n now rides along with Hosea and his gang.

Hosea helped Y/n off of Silver Coin. Her boots hit the muddy floor with a muffled thump as she looked up at the abandoned manor of Shady Belle.

"Miss. Grimshaw, Mr. Pearson. Get this place ready," said Dutch Van Der Linde, the leader of the gang. "Miss. Matthews, Mr. Escuella. Search the lower floor and clear out anyone inside."

Javier Escuella gave Y/n a quick smile before disappearing inside the manor and Y/n ducked inside after him.

"I hate this place," Y/n muttered. "It's creepy and hot."

"We have nowhere else to go, chica," said Javier. "This is the best we can do for now." Y/n sighed.

She knew he was right. After being driven off one place after another, finding a new place to call home for a short time is getting difficult.

"By the way," said Javier. "Your eighteenth birthday is tomorrow. Is there anything you want?"

Y/n smiled. Javier's always been sweet to her. She didn't know if it was because he cared about her or because she was the second youngest of the gang.

"No," said Y/n. "Well, other than hearing your music at night."

Javier chuckled.

"A song for the lady then."

"Thank you, Javier."

"For what?"

"For, well, everything. You've always been sweet to me ever since you could properly speak English."

Javier stopped and turned to face Y/n. He holstered his revolver and stepped toward Y/n.

She took a step back and Javier took another step forward.

Assassin's Creed Daughter Imagines (FINISHED| NEW REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED)Where stories live. Discover now