A Rook's First Flight

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Pairing: Jacob Frye
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

15 years ago

"There's my little rook," Jacob hoisted Y/n in the air, making her babble and laugh. "There's that laugh, little rook."

"There's your aunt Evie," Jacob whispered in her ear, "Go get her." Jacob placed Y/n down and she scuttled over to Evie on her hands and knees.

Evie, too focused on working a new plan, didn't notice her niece crawling over to her. Until Y/n grabbed Evie's pant leg.

Evie's hand shot to her knife then stopped when she looked down. She sighs and let's go of the hilt of the knife.

"She's good, right?" Jacob calls out from the end of the train.

"Sure, sure. Believe what you want, Jacob."

Eleven years ago

"There's my little rook!" Jacob ruffles Y/n's hair with a grin.

"Father," Y/n grumbled, trying to push his hand away. "Stop."

"Come on. Let's head down to the fight, mhm? There's going to be some excitement there." Y/n shrugs him off.

"I wanna study." Jacob frowns.

"Has your aunt been influencing you lately?"


9 years ago


Those words hurt Jacob to the point where he couldn't even stay in the train for a second. He knew that he's been missing out on a lot during Y/n's life and he's been trying his best to keep up with her.

Now, the relationship Jacob once had with his little rook is falling apart piece by piece. Evie has been trying to make it work out, but has been having little to no success.

When Jacob finally mustered up some courage, he knocked on Y/n's door. When she didn't answer, Jacob sighs.

"Little rook? It's me, c-can you open the door?"

When she didn't answer again, Jacob sighs once more.

"Okay. I'll leave you alone if that's what you want so much." Jacob starts to leave and he felt arms going around his waist.

Jacob turned around and embraced her back.

"I love you too, little rook."

4 years ago

"Where'd you learn how to do that, little rook?" Y/n sheepishly grinned at her father.

"From you."

Jacob bursts out laughing, slapping her back.

"Of course you did."

1 year ago

"I'm not ready to let her go," Jacob admits to Evie, "She's almost ready to head out in the world as an assassin and I don't know if I'll be able to let her go." Evie pats her brother's back.

"In time, Jacob. You will."


"Be careful," Jacob murmured to Y/n, arms tightening around her.

She, Jacob, Evie, and Henry stood at the docks. By Y/n's feet, is bags of belongings and weaponry.

"I will, I promise," said Y/n, "I love you, Daddy." Jacob kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, little rook."

Watching Y/n leave for India is the hardest thing Jacob had to do. He stayed by the docks, watching the ship eventually fade into nothing.

Evie pats his back.

"She'll be fine, Jacob. After all, she is a Frye."

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