Dear Journal

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Part 2 of Why?

December 21st, 1780

It has been years since I have written in this old thing. Connor told me he found it in Haytham's office at Fort George once he handed it to me. It's clear Haytham read my journal. There are some notes here and there in his handwriting.

In the far back, I see a letter Haytham had written in case if I ever got my journal back. He's sorry, sorry for leaving me. He had wished he had taken me with him but he's grateful that he hadn't. Otherwise, Connor would've killed me too.

I hid the Jackdaw in a cave somewhere around Haiti years ago as well. I have left clues throughout the world for any of my children or their children to find if they choose to search for the Jackdaw.

I disbanded the crew from the Jackdaw, of course; although James chose to stay with me. After all, he is my husband. He gave me six beautiful children. All now living happily in London, some have married and moved to live their own lives now.

In 1776, James passed away to Smallpox. It was hard to say goodbye, but his time came and went. He will always be a part of me, even when he is not by my side.

After acquiring a ship to take me back to the colonies, I sought out the assassins. It has been years, yes, but Adéwalé's words rang true. Achilles Davenport remains as the mentor of the assassins, although there weren't as many as before Shay Cormac's massacre.

Achilles was hesitant about me at first but after discovering that Adéwalé and I have crossed paths, he started to trust me.

During my stay at the Davenport Homestead, I met Connor; my illegitimate nephew. He has his father's lips and nose. He inherited it from Father and it hurts to look at him sometimes.

He's a good man with a good heart. He wants to protect his people as well as gaining the colonists' freedom. He will have a bright future ahead of him soon, I can tell.

Despite never being a part of his life, Connor remains polite and respectful to me. He's eager to learn more about his father as well, asking me questions about Haytham when we were younger. So I'd tell him. We'd sit down outside in the balcony and just talk. Sometimes for hours.

I'd listen to his stories and he'd listen to mine. He'd ask questions and I would ask in return.

Connor once admitted he hated how it was going to end between him and Haytham, but it was necessary in his eyes. I hated it too, I hated how life just seems to hate the Kenway bloodline.

When the time came, I wished Connor the best of luck. I knew facing Haytham was the greatest challenge he'll face, but killing Haytham is his duty. I watched Connor from the distance as he left for Fort George.

And I waited with Achilles for news to reach us. When it came around, it was told that both Haytham and Charles Lee are dead. Slain by Connor's hand.

When Connor returned, the weight on his shoulders remained. He had asked if I could stay with him and Achilles and I agreed. He needed me more than ever. I'm the last of the Kenway bloodline and I knew time was slowly ticking away for me too.

Watching Connor help the community at the homestead warms my heart. As I mentioned before, Connor has a good heart with good intentions.

Years later, I watched him marry his now wife, and become a father himself. Three children, one boy, and two girls, all resembling their father.

They were overjoyed to learn that I am still around. Often trailing after me with hopes to hear my stories out on the seas just like I once did with Father. The sight was heartwarming and nostalgic.

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