
1.6K 22 1

Pairing: Liam O'Brien
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

During the day, she's a pretty little lady. During the night, she's a messenger. A spy for the assassins.

The only problem is:

Shay. Patrick. Cormac.

He knows who she is and he will hunt her down if he discovered that she is delivering messages and secrets to the assassins of the Colonial Brotherhood.

Footsteps pounded against the slick, wet mud under her feet. Her heavy hood bouncing with every footstep, her breathing heavy and hard, her heart racing as if it were to burst out of her rib cage.

She slid under a wagon, dodging a dart flying towards her. She rolled to her feet and took off running again.

She cursed Achilles for sending her to do this. Her father argued that she's too young, too inexperienced to sneak in a heavily guarded meeting.

And now, she has to pay the price.

She yelped. A dart hit a wall she passed by and jolted to a left and into an alleyway.

She just needed to get to a group of the gang members. From there, they will escort her back to the Davenport Homestead.

That is, if she made it to them without dying.

She yelped again. A rope dart lodged into her leg and yanked her back. She dangled in mid-air once the rope pulled her up to a building. She clawed at the rope, tugging on it.

No hidden blades Achilles said. It's too obvious he said she thought with a scowl.

She yelped again when the rope dragged her to the top of the building. An arm looped around her waist, pinning her to a broad chest.

"Easy there, lass. It's just me!" A familiar Irish-accented man said. "Calm down, Y/n! It's me, Shay!"

"Traitor! You're a traitor!" Y/n shrieked, pressing her palms against Shay's arm. "Let me go!"

Shay pinned her arms down and gagged her. He then  tossed Y/n over his shoulder and started to carry her away.

Once back at Fort Arsenal, Y/n swung her fists and and legs at Shay.

"Oh for God's sake. Will you listen to me for once in this God damn evening?" Shay scowled.

Stripped from her soggy robes, Y/n finds herself pinned in Shay's embrace again. After another attempt at escape, Shay figured it was better to keep her restrained until she calmed down. Or at least until Haytham or Monro came by.

"Shay," speak of the Devil.

Monro examined the situation Shay was currently in, watching the struggling child in Shay's grip.

"So, this is the child spy the Assassins sent," Haytham remarked. "I expected her to be older, not younger. She's what, six? Seven?"

"Eight, sir," said Shay. "Turned eight very recently if I remember correctly."

Y/n glared at the Templars in front of her, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Shay, you know her the best. What do you know about the girl?" Monro said.

"Other than being stubborn as a mule like her mother then that's all I know," said Shay. "I didn't realize Achilles will send her out for spying. I'm surprised Liam didn't put up a fight when she first went out."

Haytham approached the girl, kneeling to her level.

"Now, you're just a little girl. We don't harm children but you're in a different situation. Give us the information you've stolen from us and you can go on your way. Do you understand?"

Y/n jerked her chin to the other side with a huff and Haytham sighed. He grasped her chin and turned her to look at him.

"Let's try this again. Give us the information you've stolen and you can leave. I do not wish to harm a little girl like yourself."

Y/n jerked her chin from Haytham's grasp and Haytham sighed.

"Stubborn like a mule, indeed," Haytham muttered, standing back up.

"Shay, do you know who her mother is?" Monro questioned. "She's starting to remind me of someone."

Shay thought back to his days as an assassin. He remembered seeing a woman holding Liam's arm once.

"Not her name, but her looks," said Shay. "Y/n's inherited her mother's hair, facial features, and stubbornness. Her eyes belong to her father."

"That's what I thought," Monro murmured.

He kneeled down in front of Y/n, gently grasping her shoulders.

"Hello, Y/n. I'm your grandfather."


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