Last Wish

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Pairing: Desmond Miles/all assassins
Warning: spoilers to AC3
Note: this might get a little confusing, I wrote this as best as I could. I DO NOT KNOW BAYEK, AYA, ALEXIOS, OR KASSANDRA VERY WELL THEREFORE WILL NOT BE IN THIS CHAPTER.
Requested by: @PhoneClark4 (side note, I completely forgot to ask you if you wanted the main assassins or basically every assassin that existed)

"Whose a good baby? Whose a good baby? You are!" Aveline cooed at the baby Miles.

Y/n Miles laughed and giggled, reaching to grab hold of Aveline's dark hair.

"This is ridiculous! Taking care of a child!" Altaïr protested.

"She is a baby," Connor stated. "She has no mother or father. She must have one, or both, if she is to survive."

"She's cute!" Aveline added, bouncing Y/n in her arms.

Altaïr glared at the baby and looked away.

Shortly after the death of Desmond Miles, all the assassins have somehow been transported to modern day. Now, they have the task of taking care of Desmond's Miles' daughter, Y/n.

Jacob took Y/n from Aveline and shoved the baby into Altaïr's arms. From his widened eyes, Jacob can tell Altaïr's more afraid of the baby than hate her.

"Don't hold her like that," Aveline scolded, helping Altaïr properly hold Y/n.

Each hour, an assassin had the job as father/mother. Aveline had the first hour to help Y/n ease into the day before passing her off to Connor. Connor provides some peace and quiet to the baby by taking her out to the forest and playing with her there. Ezio is next, he often talks to her in Italian and a flaunts her around and occasionally shoving her in Altaïr's face. Aveline comes back in to help Y/n eat her lunch and dinner later on. Jacob and Arno are next in line; they play with her for the entire time and by the time their hour is up, she's too tired. Malik and Evie then share an hour together as they often read to Y/n. By the end of the day, all the assassins come in to kiss her forehead and wish her goodnight.

All but Altaïr.

Altaïr has made it very clear he does not wish to be ANYWHERE near the baby. The strange thing is, Y/n seems to really like Altaïr.

Now that she can walk, or waddle, she often walked over to Altaïr. So now Altaïr has hidden himself from her.

Y/n's wails rang throughout the whole house as Aveline bounced the baby up and down in her arms. Nothing has been able to calm her down, not even one of Ezio's special hugs that she loves so much.

"Where is that fucker?!" Jacob shouted over Y/n's wailing.

"Language!" Malik, Aveline, and Evie shouted.

"Come out you coward!" Jacob shouted again.

Connor took Y/n from Aveline and took her outside to the forest. Connor sat on the ground, legs crossed, with Y/n swaddled in a thick and velvet pink blanket.

"Hush now, eksa'a," Connor murmured to her. "Hush. Sleep."

Y/n's wails slowly turned to sniffles and whimpers.

"Altaïr has been neglecting his duties as a caretaker," said Connor. "I am surprised Malik has not yelled at Altaïr yet," Connor admitted, the quirks of his lips going up.

Y/n cooed as her answer, wriggling in the Native's arms. Connor looked up at the night sky.

"A perfect night to see the stars," said Connor, looking back down at Y/n.

He smiled at the sleeping babe, tugging the blanket tighter around Y/n before getting up and returning to the house.

"Ho-?" Aveline started.

Connor waved her away, carrying Y/n to her bedroom. He pulled the covers back from her crib and tucked Y/n in.

"You'd make a good father." Aveline admitted from the doorframe.

Connor's cheeks went pink and he ducked out of the room. Aveline grinned and followed him.

From the ceiling, Altaïr silently dropped down. He approached the crib and peered inside.

"I suppose you are not as bad when you are asleep," Altaïr muttered. "Although it is better that you sleep than awake."

"AH HA!" Jacob shouted. "HE FINALLY ADMITTED IT!"

Wailing filled the house.


From a distance, a hooded figure watched his daughter capture each and every assassin's heart. He backed away into the woods and disappeared, thankful that the assassins are fully capable of taking care of his daughter.

I didn't know if I should've added Liam O'Brien and Hope Jensen or not. I got it done though so that's good. Hope you enjoyed! Vote, comment, and request! Signing off for now, CT.

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