Lost Child

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Pairing: Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad
Warning: none.......?
Note: I'm going to change the request just a bit.
Requested by: @RobenChan3

"Think this through," Malik protested to a woman packing her belongings.

"I have, Malik, and this is the only option!" The woman told him, "Malik, please. Please don't do this to me, don't make it harder than it already is." Malik sighs.

"All right. Be careful." The woman embraced Malik tightly then leaves.

Malik watched from a distance, watching the woman's form disappear from view.

"Damn you, Altaïr."

~time skip~

Y/n waited outside of a bedroom, hearing the distant banging of the headboard and her mother's moans. Her mother never told her what she did for a living, but Y/n pieced the puzzle together at a young age.

Y/n shuddered, wondering if she had to do that too when she's older. She's already seen girls her age getting ready and she didn't want to do it. With her only at ten, it's understandable.

The door swung open, a man stepped out while buttoning his breeches on. He grinned at Y/n then leaves. Her mother approached Y/n from the bedroom, she placed a hand on the child's shoulder and guides the child over to another bedroom.

It's their shared bedroom, with only one bed and nothing else besides the sheets covering the bed. Y/n crawled in the bed and under the covers, poking her head out. Her mother smiled and joined Y/n in the bed.

"Goodnight, Y/n."

"Goodnight, Mama."

The next morning was an absolute nightmare. Y/n yanked and tugged on her wrist , screaming as several men took her mother away. Y/n woke up to her mother's skin burning and Y/n screamed for help. Now, she regretted it.

In several hours, Y/n received news. Her mother passed away. The disease spread too fast before the doctors could do anything. Her mother did leave her something. A letter.

In the letter, it told her to seek out her father in Masyaf.

With little of what she had left, Y/n gathered her belongings and went to Masyaf. It's dangerous to go alone, especially as a child, but she had nowhere else to go nor did she have much of a choice.

A man found her after five minutes of wandering around Masyaf. He showed her a letter that her mother had sent before her death.

Y/n learned that the man is her father and her father's name is Altaïr. He has a wife and a son named Darim. Her father introduced her to his wife and son and she immediately can tell she won't like living with her father, step-mother, and half-brother.

                                              Y/n avoided Maria and Darim for as long as she can before her father made her start spending time with both of them whether it be going to the market or just talking. She hated it, she hated them all.

                                              Until one day, Altaïr couldn't find Y/n. Maria and Darim told Altaïr they hadn't seen Y/n anywhere either. Altaïr starts to panic, what if something happened to her?

                                               He immediately went to Malik's bureau. He heard crying from inside.

                                               "I miss my mama!" Y/n cries.

                                                "Hush, child, hush. I know you do, I know. You have your father to look after you now." Malik offers.

                                                  "No! I want Mama!" Y/n cries again, "I hate him. I hate Maria! I hate Darim! I hate them! Because of them, my mama suffered!"

                                                   Altaïr backed away from the door. He knew what to do now.

                                                    When Malik dropped a sleeping Y/n off, Altaïr and Maria spoke quietly about their next plan of action.

                                                     When Y/n woke up, she started off her day by ignoring everyone again. Not until Altaïr decided to take her horseback riding.

                                                      Altaïr stopped his horse and the pony Y/n rode on stopped too. Altaïr got off and helped Y/n off too. Y/n yanked her arm free from Altaïr's grasp, not wanting him touching her.

"Y/n," Altaïr started, but Y/n chose to ignore him, "Y/n, I want to make up for lost time. I understand I missed ten years of your life, Maria and I-"

Y/n snorts.

"I don't want your sympathy."

"It is not-" Altaïr started again.

"I don't care. I don't want it." Altaïr sighs.

"You're getting it whether you like it or not."


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