Swimming Lessons

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Pairing: Connor Kenway ft Helena and baby Haytham (Connor and Helena's son)
Warning: none
Note: I originally planned this for Altair but since I've already written him this week, I decided to go with Connor instead. 
Requested by: no one

"I'm not ready," Y/n whined. 

Feet buried in the mud under the water of the pond, Y/n held her arms out for Connor. 

"It's not deep," said Connor, standing knee deep in the pond. "One step after another, Y/n. Come on." 

Helena sat under the shade of a tree, balancing Haytham in her lap. 

"Maybe you should guide her in instead of having her come to you," said Helena. "You did do that when Y/n was around Haytham's age, learning how to walk." 

"No," Y/n whined again, walking out of the pond. "It's scary." 

Connor sighed, picking Y/n up by her waist. 

"It's not scary. Imagine taking a bath." 

"But it's muddy. I don't like muddy." 

"Says the girl who got into a fistfight with Terry's son the other day." Helena teased. 

"You weren't supposed to tell him!" Y/n pouted. 

Connor sighed. He's not all that surprised. 

Connor placed Y/n down in the pond again. Her hands immediately grasped Connor's trouser pants, knuckles turning white.

"Helena, maybe you should teach her." 

"No, no. You insisted that you teach her and not only that, you lost a bet!" 


"No. Besides, Haytham just fell asleep and I do not want to deal with his crying right now." 

Connor sighed, taking Y/n's hand in his. 

"Someday, Y/n. Swimming is going to save you." 

"One arm after another, Y/n

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"One arm after another, Y/n. That's it. There you go." 

After three incidents of getting water up her nose, Y/n's finally starting to get the hang of swimming. 

After some help from Helena. 

Which Connor hated to admit. 

"I told you-" 

"Yeah, I'm not hearing it, Connor." 





"Why do you always do this to me?" 

"It gets you to shut up."

"Daddy, Mommy just said-" 

"I know, Y/n, and-wait. Where's Haytham?" 

"Relax, Papa bear. Myriam's got him."

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