Shots And Haytham

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Pairing: modern!Shay Cormac
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                               "But I don't wanna!" Y/n whines, digging her heels to the ground as her father dragged her closer and closer to the clinic.

                                                "Daddy!" Y/n tugs on her wrist, trying to wrench it free only for her father's grip to tighten.

                                                   Her father opened the door to the clinic and gave Y/n a gentle push making her stumble inside then shut the door. He grabbed her before she could run and pulled her close to his chest when he sat down on a plastic chair.

                                                    Shay sighs, knowing how much she hated going to any sort of medical facility. Especially the doctors for shots.

                                                    Shay's arms tightened around Y/n's squirming figure, he kept her arms pinned by her side as she wiggled and squirmed.

                                                    "Y/n Cormac?" The said girl stiffens and yanks and tugs on her wrist once her father placed her down on the floor then pulled her inside a doctor's office.

                                                      Y/n continues to yank and tug on her wrist as her father conversed with the doctor. Her father pulled her to his lap and held her down as the doctor prepared the shot.

                                                      "Y/n, it's going to be better if you relaxed," her father grunts, tightening his grip on her, "I know you hate shots, but it's for your own sake and health."

                                                      "Daddy, no!" Y/n shrieks, knuckles turning white as she squirmed.

                                                        Her eyes widened when she saw the shot.

                                                        "No! No! No! No! No!"

~after the shot~

                                                          Shay checked the rear mirror again on the drive back home. Y/n had an angry pout with her arms crossed in her car seat, Shay sighs and stops the car. He turned the engine off and got out, he opened the door then helped Y/n out.

                                                          Throughout the whole day, Y/n didn't speak to him. She chose to avoid and ignore him. It wasn't until he cornered her in her bedroom she finally spoke.

                                                           "Y/n, look at me."

                                                            She looked away from him with a "humph"                             

                                                             "Y/n," Shay warned.

                                                              Y/n yelped when her father unexpectedly grabbed her and carried her to the time out corner. He dropped her in the plastic chair then leaves to make lunch.

                                                               Y/n knew there was no point trying to sneak away. Her father always knew when she tried sneaking away and if she did, he'd make her go to bed early! Or worse: spanking.

                                                                Y/n yelps again when her father picked her up under her arms and drops her in her chair. On the plate is a sandwich prepared exactly how she liked it and a cup of orange juice on the side.

                                                                As if food is going to make her feel any better after today's turnout. Her father lied to her and told her that he's taking her somewhere exciting.

                                                               "Eat your sandwich, Y/n." She pushed the plate away from her and sank in her seat.

                                                                Her father pushed it back to her and she pushed it away.

                                                                "Y/n, my patience is very slim right now. If you don't want a spanking then I suggest you eat your sandwich."

                                                                 Y/n sank even more in her seat, her eyes evading her father's.

                                                                 "That's it. I'm calling Haytham."

~time skip~

                                                                  Y/n yanks on her wrists, trying to stop Haytham from cleaning her face with a rag. He found her playing in the mud and practically dragged her inside the house to get her clean.

                                                                  "No." Y/n gritted out, looking away in the other direction.

                                                                   Despite going into his mid-fifties, Haytham managed to pull Y/n to his lap and pin her arms down.

                                                                    Why isn't Shay here? Well, he's at work and Haytham never minds taking care of Y/n.

                                                                   "No," Y/n grits out again, looking in the opposite direction of the rag.

                                                                    "Stop being so difficult," Haytham scolded the child, "I'm trying to get you to be a proper young lady and not a tomboy."

                                                                       Y/n bit him in response. Haytham grunted but didn't loosen his grip on Y/n; he only tightened it and finally finished cleaning the rest of the mud off.

                                                                      "Daddy!" Y/n cries, trying to squirm out of Haytham's grip.

                                                                       Y/n finds herself in a pink dress with matching shoes and her hair in pigtails. Haytham grabbed her wrists when she tried to mess her hair up and pinned them behind her back.

                                                                       Haytham then leads her to her bedroom where she stayed for the rest of the evening until her father came back home from work. Her father also knew how much she hated having Haytham babysit her and he only asked Haytham as a punishment for her actions before he left. 

                                                                       With a quick "thank you" Haytham leaves the father and daughter alone. Shay peers inside the pen Haytham had practically shoved Y/n into and saw her with a pacifier in her mouth. It was obvious that Haytham had to fight Y/n's attempts of running and squirming around. 

                                                                       Shay sighs.

                                                                       "Sorry about that, sweetheart."

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