The Stars

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Pairing: Shay Cormac
Warning: none
Note: takes place in Rogue
Requested by: no one

                                                Shay leans against a wall, watching Cassidy sew a worn stuffed bear's arm back together. Cassidy finished sewing and tied it off, she handed it to an eager child and the child embraced the bear in her small and lanky arms.

                                                 The child then scrambled up the stairs.

                                                 "Her name is Y/n," Shay glanced over at Barry, "Our sweet little granddaughter. She's never met William."

                                                    That's disheartening. A child never meeting her father, then again, Shay's never met his mother since she died during child labor. 

                                                     "She won't bite if that's what you're wonderin'," said Barry, "Go on. Her bedroom is right across from the one you were in." 

                                                       Shay opened the door just a bit and saw Y/n on the dirty floor, playing with her stuffed bear. She embraced it again with a happy sigh. 

                                                       "Hello," Y/n dropped the bear and spun around to see Shay, "Did I scare you?" Y/n nodded. 

                                                        Shay walked over to the child, getting down to her level. He picked up the worn bear from the floor and handed it back to Y/n. She took it from Shay, squeezing it in her arms. 

                                                        "Are you William?" Shay blinked at her in surprise. 

                                                         "Do I look like him to you?" He replied. 

                                                           Y/n shrugged. 

                                                           "I don't know. I never met him." Oh. Right. 

                                                            "My name is Shay Cormac." 

                                                             "You're the man Colonel Monro brought in, right?" 

                                                             "Indeed, I am." 

                                                              "My grandmama likes you." 

                                                                Shay chuckles. 

                                                                "I can tell." 

                                                                 "You won't leave, right? You won't leave how my daddy did?" 

                                                                   The look of hurt flashed through Y/n's innocent e/c eyes. 

                                                                   "Shay?" Shay blinked, he didn't realize he didn't answer her question and it started to worry her. "Did I say something bad?" Y/n looked down at the floor and sniffled.  

                                                                     "I'm sorry." 

                                                                      Shay tugged her close to him. 

                                                                      "No, no. You didn't say anything bad. I was just thinking," Shay brushed away her tears from her cheeks. "I will come back and visit when I can, but it will take time for me to come back. Understand?" Y/n nodded, she wrapped her arms around Shay's neck and buried her face into Shay's shoulder. 

~time skip~

                                                                        "Bye-bye," Y/n sadly said, holding onto Shay's leg. 

                                                                          Shay stood in front of the Morrigan, saying his final goodbye to the sweet child before he departed. He picked her up from the ground, placing her on his hip. He pointed up to the night sky filled with clustering stars. 

                                                                           "I know you have trouble sleeping, Y/n," said Shay. "When you sleep tonight, I want you to dream of a mountain. You are on that mountain, chasing after the stars. Spread your wings and fly through the night with the stars as your light." Y/n rested her head on his shoulder. 

                                                                             "Can I make wishes too?" 

                                                                               "Yes, you can make wishes too." 

                                                                                 "Then I wish you come home safely." 

For the first time in a very long time, my younger brother isn't using the computer to play Roblox. Hallelujah. That doesn't mean I'll have access to it again the next time I need to upload something T-T. Sorry!                                          


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