thank you!!

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And so ends the longest book I've ever written (so far..)

It's bittersweet ending any book but I hope you guys are satisfied with the endings and how the book as a whole went.

A massive thank you to all who have read, voted and commented- it all means so much to me and really motivates me to keep writing.

As for my future projects I have a lot in the works right now but the next big project you can expect to see will not be until January 10.

I won't reveal too much for now but it will be as expected a yandere story, there are two male yanderes and a female reader. I'm so excited to get started with that. It's not for a while so I might post some stuff on 'my notebook' between now and then.

'The game' has been one of the most difficult to write and I think I'm happy with the way it turned out but as long as you guys like it then I can't ask for much more.

A surprising amount of you actually liked the Gamemaster lol I'm now considering doing like a small spin off (like an alternative ending or something) but I have some other projects I want to do first.

While I can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that there will be no sequel, I do want to bring these characters back but that's something for future-me to think about.

Thank you again to all of you!

Much love and see you soon!

-L.T. May

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