XLIX- untrustworthy

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day 43

The message disappeared from the screen pretty quickly and was replaced by the usual display of the time.

(Y/n) was unsure of what to make of it. She partially wanted to heed this warning but at the same time she knew that this could just be a manipulation tactic.

She wanted to show the Gamemaster that he didn't know her, he didn't control her and he couldn't make her scared. No matter how many bad memories or stupid warnings he sent her way.

She saw her door creak open and then a knock sounded.


"I'm not allowed to see what's in your box so you need to put it away." She recognised Owen's worried voice in an instant.

(Y/n) glanced at the empty box and just shut and locked it quickly. "Done."

He entered the room with an air of great distress. "Are you okay??"

"I'm fine, don't worry...You?" (Y/n) smiled and put the box down on her dresser.

"Yeah, I can't tell you what was inside obviously but... It's nothing serious." Owen knew from experience that a dead mouse could startle people so he was actually thankful that he didn't need to tell her.

"Can... Can you do me a favor?" (Y/n) ventured, now was the time she conquered her fear and showed the Gamemaster that he couldn't fuck with her mind anymore.

"Anything." Owen said instantly. He would've walked straight off a cliff without a hint of hesitation if (Y/n) asked him to.

"I want to try, um, I want to go into the water and, uh..." (Y/n) hadn't even done it and was already showing apprehension, she curled her fingers into fists and drew in a sharp breath before speaking again with a much more direct voice. "I want to go swimming. Will you come with me?"

Owen widened his eyes. "Are you sure you want to-"

"I don't want to let this define me, I don't want to be scared anymore." (Y/n) stuck her chin up to feign confidence.

He was nervous to agree, Owen didn't want (Y/n) to get ahead of herself and get hurt whether it be physically or emotionally. But on the other hand he wanted for her to be able to go into the sea, he thought the ocean was such an amazing thing that he wanted to experience with (Y/n).

Despite it being hot outside (Y/n) felt freezing. She was in a swimsuit, her toes barely grazing the waves that pushed out.

Owen stood beside her, his fingers were intertwined with her's. "Take as long as you need."

(Y/n) drew in a deep breath and took a small step forward, the breath left her sharply as the cooling sensation of the water washed over her feet. She shuffled back a bit but was still technically in the sea. "You must think I'm a total baby." She half joked in embarrassment.

"You're fine, (Y/n)." Owen replied in encouragement. "Go at your own pace."

(Y/n) nodded and tried to push herself further forward. Any thoughts of that night were pushed down, she tried to think of other times she'd gone to the beach and find some rare happy memories.

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