XCIII- the favorite

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day 88

It was all so annoying for Tim.

He had no idea how to make himself more favorable in (Y/n)'s eyes, he knew that she admired him but she admired those other shitheads too. He was sure if (Y/n) had any sense in her head then she'd pick Hana.

'Hana.' He thought in disgust, she'd once been his close friend or at least the closest of all of them. But their idealogical differences when it came to (Y/n) were too great to ignore. While Tim thought his methods would benefit (Y/n) more he didn't expect her to know that. No, she'd be far more attracted to the shiny prospect of freedom and independence- as of now Hana was the only person offering that.

Even if (Y/n) was currently conflicted when it came down to it there wasn't much competition apart from the fight for second place.

Hana needed to go.

"No, that makes zero sense." Owen sneered.

"Oh, come on, I'll get everyone on board and we're all on equal footing!" Tim pleaded, following Owen as he began to walk away.

"It's stupid. (Y/n) doesn't like it when we kill people so killing Hana isn't going to make her like us."

"But it gets her out of the way!" Tim pointed out, speeding up as Owen did. "If we don't then (Y/n) is going to pick her and we're all done for."

"At that point she's more likely to bring Hana's corpse than one of us." Owen paused and turned to Tim. "And you don't know that (Y/n) will choose Hana for sure."

"Why wouldn't she? She's the only one of us who's gonna let (Y/n) make her own decisions and is openly opposed to murder." Tim pulled some of his blonde hair, that had flown in front of his face while speed-walking after Owen, back and tucked it into his ponytail. "Sure, she'll be upset if Hana's gone but it's not like she can hold it against us if we're all involved. She has to pick one of us."

Owen looked as though he was contemplating the proposal for a moment before he ultimately just shook his head. "Sorry, man, I'm not gonna do something like that right now. I want to focus on staying on (Y/n)'s good side. If you kill her then whatever, good for you, but I don't want anything to do with it."

"I don't really understand why though." Dottie nibbled at the end of her nail as Tim paced in front of where she was sat after he explained his plot to kill Hana.

"Hana's the favorite."

"Pfft! No, she's not." Dottie laughed out.

"She tried to save Bella's life, that earned her major points with (Y/n)." Tim sighed out. "You need to understand that she's gonna get chosen if we don't do anything."

"(Y/n) won't choose Hana, she's gonna choose me." Dottie said confidently. "We make out like all the time and I don't think she's done that with Hana even once."

Tim shook his head to rid himself of the mental image of anyone other than him touching his kitten. "I wouldn't be so sure about that, Hana has the most similar morals to (Y/n)."

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