LVIII- raising suspicion

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day 56

(Y/n) squirmed uncomfortably in her bed that morning. She'd spent the rest of Hana's birthday with the woman in question but it was that kiss that she couldn't get out of her head.

That took her total up to four players that she'd kissed. It made (Y/n) feel something close to ill when she thought about it and how much she enjoyed it.

She couldn't tell who was manipulating who, none of them had made any verbal interest in actually being with her and (Y/n) didn't even want to be in a relationship. Things were too much as they were, she didn't need to add turmoil to her romantic life as well as every other aspect of her life.

Were they all leading her on? Or was she leading them on? A mix of both? There were four of them after all.

(Y/n) buried her face into her pillow. The grim reality was that one of them might be a murderer.

She should have been worrying about a more pressing issue but this was all her mind could fixate on. She'd even kissed Owen twice, did he think they were together? It didn't seem that way.

It wasn't normal for friends to treat each other the way they treated her, no matter how much she liked it. Even Tim was guilty of that too despite them not having kissed.

Later that morning she stood around the kitchen, the leftover cake sat on a plate on the countertop. (Y/n) had to avert her eyes from it. 'Why did I let her kiss me??' She'd always thought of Hana as fairly innocent and still did when she recalled the chastity of her kiss. But maybe Hana had an ulterior motive, maybe they all did and (Y/n) had been too flattered by their advances to see it.

"Good morning, (Y/n), you're up earlier than usual."

(Y/n) jumped in shock when she heard Tim's voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry for startling you." He said when he saw her frightened expression.

"I need to go!" (Y/n) announced loudly with a red face.

"Are you-" The kitchen door slammed with (Y/n)'s exit. "Okay?" Tim completed his question after she was gone.

'That was weird... I should check with Hana what happened yesterday.'

(Y/n) threw Max's door open and called his name out.

"What??" He groaned, still lying in bed.

"I need to talk to you." She stated, marching overtook his bed and ripping the covers away from him.

"Does this need to happen so early?" Max sat himself up and winced when (Y/n) marched over to switch on the light. "Fuck!! Turn it off!"

"This is important... Well, I think it's important." She went over to her friend who was shielding his eyes furiously from the light that poured out from his ceiling.

"It better be." He mumbled. "What is it?"

"Yesterday... While Hana and I were making the cake... She, um... Well, she, ah-"

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