LXIII- illness

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day 59

(Y/n) sat cross legged on her bed with a soft frown on her face as Tim rubbed an ice cube over a small portion of her arm. He had just finished explaining about the drug the Gamemaster had sent for her, he assured her that everything would be okay repeatedly.

(Y/n) was feeling a bit nervous, though not nearly as nervous as those around her. Dottie had stuck around with Max and he got some nasty symptoms after fifteen minutes. Dottie nearly passed out when seeing Max curled in a ball on his bed in excruciation and practically leaking sweat- not becuase of any concern she had for him but because she knew that (Y/n) was going to go through the same thing.

Most of all, (Y/n) was irritated. As if what was already going on wasn't enough she was now getting injected with some mystery drug. "Is Max okay?" (Y/n) asked, the coldness of the ice had gone from painful to numb by this point.

All eyes turned to Dottie and she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. "He's... Handling it alright...it's gonna hurt but-" she brightened up and then continued "we'll all be right here ready to give you whatever you need."

(Y/n) didn't try to hide the disappointment on her face. Being stuck with all of them for however long this drug lasted wasn't exactly a dream come true, it was bad enough having them sporadically visit throughout the day.

"Inject her now, sooner you do it sooner it'll be over." Eli said as Tim continued to numb part of (Y/n)'s arm.

Tim rolled his eyes but took the comment to heart and took the melting ice away from (Y/n)'s arm and placed it in the glass he'd taken the ice up to her in.

He tapped the cold and damp area on her arm several times. "Can you feel that?"

"A little."

Tim sighed, there was no medication in the house to make her fully numb so this would have to do. "Just... Don't look." He advised her.

(Y/n) nodded and averted her eyes from her arm, her vision ended up catching onto Owen's sympathetic gaze. He was stood in the corner of her room along with Hana and Eli while Tim and Dottie were much closer to (Y/n). She turned her head to look at the ceiling, eye contact with any of them made her severely uncomfortable.

She winced at the tiny prick but that was about it for the initial pain.

"There you are." Tim removed the needle and then used his hand to tenderly take (Y/n)'s chin and move her head down to face him. "That wasn't too bad, now was it?"

"It was fine." (Y/n) said nonchalantly.

"It took Max around fifteen minutes to start seeing symptoms, will someone go check on him and track what's going on?" Dottie turned back to the other three, both Eli and Owen looked to Hana who rolled her eyes. She was always stuck with this stupid menial work.

She muttered something beneath her breath before leaving to go see what was going on with Max so that they had a bit of an idea of what (Y/n) was going to go through before she felt it.

Tim put the needle back in the box and then hugged (Y/n) warmly. She tensed up and pulled a face of disgust but didn't push him away. "Kitten, I'll be right here for you throughout all for your symptoms, okay? I love you very much."

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