XLVII- honesty

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day 42

(Y/n) had been avoiding Owen ever since he asked to meet with her. She felt guilty about it since he hadn't done anything bad to her but Max's words were really working their way into her mind.

Owen was quick to notice but he knew that chasing and hounding her down would only make her avoid him more so he decided to match her disinterest so she wouldn't think he was trying anything.

(Y/n) was now watching him as he absentmindedly ate a sandwich in the kitchen for dinner that evening. He just looked so... Normal... And innocent.

'There's no way he could do something like that. He's always been so kind to me.' She thought.

He didn't look like a cold or calculative person, his brown eyes were filled with good intentions. Of course this was what (Y/n) saw, years and years of pretending to be normal had really paid off for Owen.

(Y/n) put aside her doubts. She didn't mean to speak... Or think ill of the dead but it was possible for Angelo and Bella to have lied about him...? Angelo had never even specified what Owen had done and all that stuff that Bella said about him threatening could have been fake.

That was what (Y/n) liked to think. It was easier to think that than wrap her head around the fact that she was going to spend time with a murderer.

"Hey..." She walked up beside him. "What have you got there?"

"Um, a sandwich?" Owen was desperately trying to hide the flurry of excitement that rushed through him. (Y/n) had approached him! Hopefully she was over this silly avoidance and he could move things along with her.

"Oh... Right, duh."

"Would you like me to make you one?" Owen offered.

"I'm good, thanks, I already ate something with Max earlier."




(Y/n) tapped her fingers on the kitchen counter trying to think of a way to alleviate the awkwardness.

"You know how you asked me to skim stones with you like... Four or five days ago..? Can I take you up on that offer?"

"Fuck!" It was the fourth rock (Y/n) had thrown that had hadn't skipped even once. "I think I'm getting worse."

Owen laughed and shook his head. "You need to flick your wrist."

"I am!"

"Look." He stood behind her and tenderly took hold of (Y/n)'s hand, his breath hitching as he did so. He manipulated her hand to make the correct movement over and over. "Just like that."

(Y/n) had to control her breathing with him this close to her. She thought she'd be getting used to this by now. He placed a stone in her palm and stepped back, leaving both of them cold and longing for that touch to return.

She tried to imitate the motion but yet again she failed. "I give up. Everytime we do this I get kind of good at it but then I try again and I go back to being awful!"

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