XIII- the horizon

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day 2

(Y/n) fumbled with the front door to go on her walk but removed her fiddling hands from the handle when she heard a presence behind her. She turned to greet whoever it was but her heart dropped when she saw Tim.

"Oh. It's you." She said disappointedly.

Tim felt a pang of jealousy as he wondered who else she was expecting it to be, or would she have just preferred anyone else over him? But he brushed that aside to make his point. "I want to apologize for my very inappropriate actions earlier."

(Y/n) looked at him intently, it was hard to tell if the apology was sincere. "Okay." She said affirmatively, accepting the apology but not offering up much forgiveness.

"I sincerely just wanted to see how you were doing because... I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." He said sadly, his oceanic eyes downcast.

'He's manipulating me into feeling bad, I KNOW he is... And yet I still feel bad.' She thought, angry at her own compassion.

"It's... alright." (Y/n) said with some reluctance, it was too early to start drama and make enemies in this place so she'd have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Do you need some help?"


"The door. It looked like you were having trouble." Tim pointed towards the mechanism that (Y/n) had been pushing and pulling at.

"I don't know why, I got it to open yesterday." She stepped aside and allowed Tim to take a crack at it.

"The trick is you have to push the door at the same time as tugging the handle and then..." Tim did as he said and a substantial click was heard and he was able to pull the door towards him. "You'll hear the click and that means it's open."

"Thanks, hopefully I won't lock myself out." She joked while fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

Tim kept the door open so (Y/n) could walk through and he shut it behind her somewhat hesitantly, glad that he had sorted out that earlier incident.

(Y/n) removed her shoes and socks before stepping into the sand, it was slightly hot beneath her bare feet but not unbearably so.

She looked out to the horizon and saw a figure sitting at the end of the jetty, (Y/n) squinted her (e/c) eyes at the person and quickly relaised who it was.

A small mass of firey orange hair sat upon his head as Owen turned around as if he could sense another presence on the beach. He smiled when he spotted (Y/n) and beckoned her over.

(Y/n) scurried over the sand till she reached the wooden structure. She watched the calm water carefully as she grew closer to Owen.

He was sat on the end with his legs hanging over the side, a pile of rocks to the side of him, (Y/n) sat on the other side.

"I thought you were working with Tim." Owen asked, leaning back on his palms.

"We... We finished up pretty quickly." She said ambiguously. (Y/n) looked at her toes that hung over the blue depths and shuffled back a bit, not wanting to fall forward.

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