I- a warm welcome

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day 1

Waves consistently lapped at the shore of an empty beach. The white sand lay there completely undisturbed by footprints of any kind. It was a scene of serenity.

No person had been on the beach for some time but that would change soon.

This shore acted as the front yard for the large house up ahead of it, little over one hundred and fifty yards from the water.

Within the attic of the house a young woman was slowly waking up. Her twenty second birthday had just passed a few days prior.

Her name? (Y/n) (L/n).

Her (h/c) hair was a mess as she sat up and looked at the bedroom around her in confusion. (Y/n) had no idea where she was.

"What the fuck..?" She found herself murmuring tiredly as she threw the blue covers off of her body to reveal clothes that she recognised as her own. They were slightly damp which struck her as odd at first until she recalled the events of last night.

She gulped nervously, last night hadn't been good and the headache that irked her was enough to remind her of it.

'Where the hell am I?' (Y/n) thought. The room surrounding her was rustic but by no means sparse.

(Y/n) stalked over to the closet and opened it with some apprehension as if someone could be hiding inside. But it just had clothes as expected.

Oddly enough, the clothes fit her style relatively well. She ran her fingers over the soft fabrics, while she didn't recognise any of the garments to be her own it was certainly odd.

The slanted ceiling hinted at her being in an attic of some kind. (Y/n) tried to recall anything she could've done that would warrant getting locked in an attic.

Nothing specific came to mind.

She lethargically ran a (s/c) hand over her face and groaned. (Y/n) was hoping that this was some kind of misunderstanding that would be sorted out an she could just move on from.

Suddenly, a blaring alarm shocked any exhaustion out of her body.

(Y/n) audibly yelped in shock and brought her hands up to the sides of her head to block the noise out. Her eyes darted around the room to try and detect where the sound was coming from and she then deemed it to be the large screen on the wall facing her bed.

The screen displayed the time as ten in the morning which was still too early for (Y/n) but there was no indication of how to stop the sound. The screen also showed a message telling her to go to the library.

She thought it best to try the door just in case it hadn't been locked and her expectations were proved incorrect when it swung open.

(Y/n) took the opportunity to slip out of the room and carefully shut the door behind her, concealing the sound of the alarm totally. It was rather unsettling how effectively sound proofed that room seemed to be.

But that was no longer her problem since she was going to set straight whatever mix up had clearly happened and get out of there.

Since she was right at the top of the house, the bedroom she'd woken up in wasn't in a hallway so much as it was just a door on top of a set of steps that immediately greeted her.

(Y/n) made her way down these steps and heard hints of the same alarm from elsewhere in the house, followed by the closing of a door that silenced the ringing.

'There's someone else here?'

She found herself in an empty hallway, there were no instructions on how to reach any library.

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