XXXI- drop dead

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day 17

Eli checked the time on the screen in the living room for about the tenth time. "When can we start?" He asked impatiently.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Hana will knock on the wall twice when Owen and (Y/n) are at the top of the staircase." Dottie reiterated, fearing that Eli hadn't listened to even one word of the plan.

"What if she's forgotten? It's literally been ages."

"You're such a child, it's been around five minutes since Owen went to get her." Dottie wasn't usually like this but Eli was just managing to get on her nerves worse than usual, her violet eyes rolled.

"Yeah, what if he's doing something with her." Eli clenched his fists tightly and felt fury at the mere suggestion of anything happening between the two of them.

"You worry far too much, he'll stick to the plan." Dottie said confidently, she couldn't let her own worries consume her as Eli did with his. Everything had to go perfectly and then (Y/n) would be her's if only for a moment at a time until she could make it permanent.

"You don't-" Eli's words were cut short by the sound of two distinct knocks on the walk-in their signal from Hana that (Y/n) was almost in earshot. "You're fucking unbelievable!!" He shouted, it was easy for Eli to get into character and lash out at Dottie so not much acting skill was required. He wasn't sure how he felt about the whole act, it definitely painted him as the bad guy and he was sure that Tim had done that on purpose.

Eli was shocked to see just how quickly Dottie could turn on her crocodile tears and fall apart very convincingly- tears and snot ran over her flushed face in an instant. He would have to keep note of that, Dottie was an excellent actress and seemingly had no problem using that skill to her advantage. "I-I... I don't-" She pathetically sniffed part through her breathless speech. "I d-don't know.... What... What you wan-want fr-om me-e." Dottie broke down into sobs and covered her face, allowing mascara stained tears to leak through her fingers.

Eli almost had to stop his own acting to grimace at Dottie's display, she was really milking this and was sure to receive a lot of sympathy from (Y/n) while he was going to get dirty looks and jackshit else. "Stop crying." He huffed, not even having to pretend to be mad anymore.

"I-I ca-can't!" She cried further, wails were ripped from Dottie's throat and (Y/n) came in quickly followed by Owen.

"What's going on?" She asked in grave concern, not seeing the flash of a smile on Dottie's face that she quickly hid.

"T-tell her, Eli." Dottie choked out. "Tell.. tell he-r what y-y-you told me."

Eli's mouth fell open slightly. He knew what his line was supposed to be but it only just dawned on him that Tim was making him play the villain in front of (Y/n). 'This is such bullshit, how's she supposed to love me if she thinks I'm some asshole?' Struggling to see the irony in his own thoughts, Eli took their little rehearsed scene off script. "I told her that she's petty for kissing you just because I did. If it upset her so much she should have dumped me instead of messing with your emotions to get her own back."

Both Owen and Dottie gave Eli looks that read as 'what-the-fuck-are-you-doing' but Dottie had to keep up her victim mask and Owen had to seem clueless.

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