VII- mysterious girl

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(y/s/s) = your star sign

day 1

The players went their separate ways after Tim's devastating loss in shithead. Eli was more glad than ever that (Y/n) had convinced him to play, not because of any potential friendships he forged but because he got to see Tim lose.

Most went back to their own rooms, happy to have some time alone before dinner.

(Y/n) was wandering the halls the try and get to her room on the top floor. If only she could find the steps leading up to the attic.

The (e/c)-eyed woman felt someone brush past her and turned to see lengths of silky white hair.

"Hi, Hana." (Y/n) hadn't had much opportunity to speak to Hana that day yet and she was one of the people there she was most curious about.

Hana turned slowly, her face stayed serious as ever. It wasn't like she was devoid of emotion but they were definitely difficult to detect.

Her amber eyes widened. "Hello." Her raspy voice was pleasant to listen to. "Do you need something?"

(Y/n) was a bit taken aback by Hana's bluntness, it certainly wasn't an ordinary thing to say to someone you're newly living with. "I just wanted to say hi, you know since we'll be housemates now."

Hana nodded slowly, her penatrative gaze didn't waver from (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes. (Y/n) felt like she was going to die on the spot from the intensity of Hana's stare. "Well, you've said hi. Is that all?"

She spoke robotically, (Y/n) wondered did she was feeling anxious or if Hana always acted this way.

"I just thought it would be nice to have a little chat since we were passing each other, you know?" (Y/n) smiled softly at the other woman.

"What's your sign?" Hana asked suddenly.

"I... I'm sorry?" (Y/n) was once again startled by Hana but this time by her odd choice of opening question.

"Your zodiac. If you tell me your birthday I can tell you what it is if you don't know." Hana's white hair swished form side to side as she took a few steps closer to (Y/n).

'At least she's taking to me.' (Y/n) thought, despite it being a strange topic for a first conversation.

"Don't worry, I know what my sign is...I'm a(n) (y/s/s)." (Y/n) answered and tucked a bit of (h/c) hair behind her ear. Hana's yellow orbs locked on the movement and followed (Y/n)'s hand as she guided her hair into place.

"I wouldn't have guessed..." She muttered and looked (Y/n) up and down making the (h/c) haired woman feel naked under Hana's eyes. "I'm a Libra so I suppose I also subvert the usual expectations of my horoscope too."

(Y/n) raised her eyebrows as if she had any clue what a typical Libra was like. "Do you believe in all that then?" She asked.

Hana shook her head instantly and with more vigor than (Y/n) had seen her do anything that day. "Not at all. I just like to know since my mother is very interested in horoscopes, she uses them for her work in tarot card readings."

"That's really cool!" (Y/n) lit up with this information, she was glad to be getting somewhere with Hana who she had feared would shut herself in from the rest of the group. But here she was, already opening up about her family.

"It's not." Hana hummed and looked downward. "It's bullshit and it's a scam. She doesn't know it's a scam becuase she genuinely believes she's seeing the future but my mother has always been a bit on the eccentric side."

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