XII- oversharing

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day 2

(Y/n) pulled a chair up to sit next to Tim at the desk. Papers were scattered across the surface and it was clear that he'd already made himself quite at home here already.

"Looks like you've been hard at work." (Y/n) said as she looked at the multiple maps he drafted out, lifting one up and running her finger to follow the intricate hallways. "You're pretty great at...uh, map drawing?" She said the last part with some doubt as she was sure there was a clinical term for it that had slipped her mind.

"Cartography." The blonde filled in and (Y/n) nodded as she remembered. "Indoor cartography so it's not what I'm used to."

"I think all this organisation you're doing for us is good, it brings a sense of normalcy to all of this." (Y/n) said honestly focusing in on his gleaming blue eyes. He had pretty eyes but they were totally unreadable. She wondered what he was really thinking because it was impossible to actually be this put together in a situation like their's, the only time his mask seemed to slip was when he got mad at Eli.

"I appreciate you saying that, it sometimes feels like you guys aren't overly fond of me." He rubbed the nape of his neck, his movements were stiff.

"I'm sure they'll come around. Everything's crazy right now but once things settle down we'll be glad to have you." (Y/n) hoped she was right and that things would be simpler in due time.

"Here's to hoping." Tim chuckled and grabbed a pencil and ruler to begin drawing out a table for them fill in.

(Y/n) watched as he drew the spreadsheet with the utmost precision. His brow was slightly furrowed while he made sure each and every line was perfect.

"What can I do while you work on that?" She felt awkward and useless just observing him doing everything.

"I don't need you to do anything for the minute, perhaps you could talk to me. I'd normally have a podcast or audiobook playing as I work so it's nice to hear someone talk." Tim said without looking up from the page.

"Oh... Alright." (Y/n)'s shoulders sunk as she felt the pressure settle on them, she had literally no idea what to say. "I don't really know what to say." She admitted.

"Ask me something." He suggested, brushing a bit of his long blonde hair that had fallen in the way of his vision. "Anything you want to know."

"Sure..." She pondered what to ask, maybe she could query about him not checking on Max as he said he did or maybe something about Eli and why they seemingly hate each other. (Y/n) decided to opt for the latter. "Why do you always argue with Eli?"

Tim paused his work and looked up, (Y/n) feared she had maybe overstepped with the question but he quickly resumed and started answering. "He provokes me, I don't know if he's doing it on purpose but that doesn't change the fact. I've met people like him in the past and... He's just like them and they weren't exactly my best friends."

"I think you need to try and not let him get to you, he'll realise soon that acting this way isn't going to change anything and he'll calm down." (Y/n) spoke with more confidence than she had in her statement.

"Yeah, you're probably right. He just gets on my nerves." Tim placed his pencil down and lifted up the paper to have a look at it. "Now, we need to fill in the names for each job on each day."

"Sounds good." (Y/n) said, picking up a pen of her own.

They started filling in names, trying to spread out different jobs between people as much as possible. Tim stole regular glances at (Y/n) as they did so, trying to amp himself up to talk to her.

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