LX- how it is

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day 57

(Y/n) rattled the door yet again but it wouldn't open. Despite the fact that only the Gamemaster had control over the locks around the house Tim had utilised a chair from (Y/n)'s room to keep the door unopenable from the inside.

(Y/n) was still severely shaken up by having the gun pointed at her by Tim, he didn't say much to them but seemed almost as panicked as she and Max were. He ended up knocking Max out with the but of the gun and trapping both of them inside. (Y/n) had since moved Max onto her bed and was now trying to jog the chair out of place using the door handle but this was to no avail.

She was trying to put the pieces together in her head, Tim obviously had something to do with what happened to Angelo but what was his plan now? And why didn't he knock her out too?

There was no point in calling out since no one would hear it anyway. (Y/n) huffed and walked back over to Max, she shook his shoulder gently and he began to stir.

"Hey..." She said quietly to him. "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Max grunted softly and cradled his head, (Y/n) pitied him as it must have been aching pretty bad, she'd checked for bleeding earlier and there wasn't any but a bump was already developing. "..what..?" He murmured.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Huh? I-.... Oh, uh... Yes." Max peeled his green eyes open and looked up at (Y/n). "How long have I been out?"

"Like half an hour." (Y/n) glanced at the screen which now showed the time instead of the surveillance footage. "We're stuck in here right now, Tim hasn't come back yet."

"Oh god, did he say anything to you after he hit me?" Max attempted to prop himself up in his elbows but gave up part way through and just stayed laying down.

"No... He took a chair outside and used it to block the door and that's basically it. I checked your head, carried you into the bed and then tried to open the door like a million times." (Y/n) said with a hopeless sigh. "Look, Max, if we die then I want you to know that you're my best friend."

"Please.. don't say that, the death part." He scrunched up his face. That was the most likely scenario, wasn't it? They figured out who was really behind Angelo's death and were paying the price for it.

"How did she even get that video??" Owen exclaimed.

"I don't know, it doesn't even matter, what matters is what we do now." Tim was pacing the floor of the living room with Hana, Owen, Dottie and Eli sitting around him. "We need to tell her what's been going on, she needs to know that this isn't up for debate." He looked around the room and glowered when he saw the smiles that rested on Dottie and Eli's faces. "Don't look too torn up about it." He said sarcastically.

"We've been saying this whole time that things needed to move quicker and now they finally are." Eli said smugly. "I say we tell her about our feelings, kill Max and then it's up to her."

"Ignoring that... Terrible set of steps you listed- things moving too quickly isn't a good thing! (Y/n) isn't going to like any of this and we no longer have the option to ease her in. She's going to fight us on this which is specifically why we cannot kill Max."

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