XCIX- back to when

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day 98

Time was the only limited resource that (Y/n) was worried about.

In two days she would make her decision and she'd never see this place again. Grim excitement was trumped by the horrid guilt of causing four deaths as she went.

The days had gone so quickly and the closer she got to that final decision the quicker they would flit past.

She was alone in this moment, turning over the back cover of the encyclopedia she'd been reading. (Y/n) wasn't sure why she picked it up instead of some fiction as she normally would, maybe it was because she didn't want to be sucked out of reality.

(Y/n) flipped the book over to look at the front cover, her finger traced the lettering. For someone on a time crunch she didn't act like it at all, taking things slowly and day by day was meant to help them move... Well, slower, it was meant to give her better perspective so she wasn't daunted by so little time she had if she just took time out to breathe.

Instead things moved just as quickly but (Y/n) couldn't keep up with it.

She got up and slid the book back into its place on the shelf, she recalled being tasked with organising the bookshelves a while ago. It was an impossible challenge looking at the sheer volume of books. She smiled a little thinking back to that time, Tim would give them each different duties for the week and for the most part they'd get done.

Things were simpler back then even if it didn't seem that way.

(Y/n) knew that if Angelo, Bella and Max were here today then things would have played out far differently, but that could be said for most variants. The main discrepancy would be that she probably wouldn't have given up, if she still had them then she wouldn't have just stopped fighting and allowed her feelings to be carried away with whatever way the wind blew.

It was interesting to (Y/n) that she could comprehend the true awfulness of her feelings for them and yet they would not wane.

She groaned and rubbed at her forehead, thinking about stuff like this for too long brought her back to how indecisive she had been a while ago and that was a place she didn't want to return to.

(Y/n) decided it would be best to just take a walk and clear her head before she was bombarded with attention once again.

Her bare feet were warmed by the sand that clung to them as she walked by the shore, the calmness of the ocean surrounding the island would never fail to amaze her as it barely grazed her.

(Y/n) was well aware of the panic she'd cause if she went in the water so staying out of it seemed like the best idea.

The padding of footsteps was heard behind her but (Y/n) didn't check to see how it was until the voice belonging to that person addressed her.

"Didn't think I'd catch you out here." Owen's orange hair shone under the mid afternoon sun as felcks of gold from the same source got caught in his brown eyes.

"Just taking a small walk... My mind's been feeling so... So, um..."

"...busy?" Owen ventured to complete her sentence.

(Y/n) nodded. "That sounds about right."

He glanced over to the sea. "Being by the water seems to help with that."

"I guess." Even with (Y/n)'s somewhat tumultuous relationship with the water she could still appreciate its relaxing qualities.

"Do you remember our first day here? You were the first person I had a real conversation with." He said.

(Y/n) smiled softly in recognition. "We were meant to be looking around the house to help Tim make his map but you and I both skipped out to come out here." She reminisced. "You're probably to first person I properly spoke to as well... Aside from the, you know, preliminary freaking out."

"I knew you were something special right from the start... It wasn't exactly love at first sight but.. I don't know, love at third or fourth sight? Is that a thing?"

She laughed a bit at the joke though it did catch her quite off guard, she was pretty unsure of when all of their feelings for her had begun but with the way he was describing it Owen's seemed to blossom pretty quickly. Though there was of course the possibility that he was embellishing what happened for romance's sake.

"I actually remember our conversation pretty clearly... We talked about Tim, we also said something about the movie Inception...? And you told me you were a serial killer."

Owen knitted his brows together at the last part, having it lost on him.

"It wasn't quite that on the nose." (Y/n) continued. "It was after I said I trusted you and you said something along the lines of 'well, for all you know I could be a serial killer'..." She trailed off about at the end, still uncomfortable around the subject of murder.

"Oh, I do remember that... I'm surprised I was that bold." Owen scoffed a bit at the end. "You told me you were scared of the water too."

(Y/n) smiled and shook her head. "No way, I never said I was scared I just said I didn't like it."

"But I could tell you were scared." He teased.

"Yeah, but not in the way of... Ugh, it's hard to explain."

"It's fine I get it." Owen placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "You feeling good with all of that?"

"I mean... I..." She paused and let out a sigh, (Y/n) turned to face the sea which forced Owen's arm to drop to his side. "I don't feel the same way I used to about my own life, so in that regard I guess I'm doing better. But I'm never going to be fully okay... But no, I'm not suicidal, I haven't thought that way for a while."

Owen cast his vision down to the sand. "I know this happened a while ago and it's in the past but I wanted to apologize again for telling the others about-"

"I'm over it, Owen." She assured him.

"I know... But it was really wrong of me, I just couldn't stand the thought of one of them not knowing and doing something to hurt you like Eli had done. Like we all had probably done at some point, I just wanted them to be sensitive to what you'd gone through." He drew in a deep breath. "That being said I'm so appreciative that you told me... That you trusted me."

"No problem..." (Y/n) found it hard to place much weight behind her words, back when she said that she was a totally different (Y/n) speaking to who she thought was a totally different Owen. She didn't look back with quite the same fondness.

"Ninety-eight days here..." Owen muttered. "Day one feels longer ago than just that."

"Really? To me it feels like yesterday." (Y/n) admitted.

"No way, I feel like I've been here years, I can't wait to get off." He said with any hesitation in the assumption that he'd be leaving.

That was another problem (Y/n) had with this whole mess, she couldn't really have a sincere goodbye when she didn't know who she'd be seeing again.

"It's all been a flash for me." She said quietly. "And now it's over." There was an unexpected air of sorrow, this place was awful and held some terrible memories for (Y/n) but so did the real world.

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