XL- another gift

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a/n:  Hi, just wondering who everyone likes (if you like anyone, they're not meant to be very likable lmao) so who's your favorite:-

Yandere? (Tim, Dottie, Eli, Owen or Hana)

Non-yandere? (Max, Bella or Angelo)


Thanks, this is just out of sheer curiosity. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

-L.T. May

day 29

It was another delivery day and Tim, Hana, Eli, Dottie and Owen were the only ones awake. Though strangely it seemed like the Gamemaster had caught on and set them an earlier alarm than everyone else.

There was division between those of them who believed the Gamemaster would be on their side and those who thought they were going to be exposed by him.

In the living room where there was usually one large box there were now two, one being significantly smaller than the other- similar in size to the box (Y/n) received several weeks ago. The only difference was this one wasn't locked.

Tim read over some notes he'd made outlining their plot for the next few days as everyone else sat around the room in silence just looking at the box and anxiously wondering if they were going to get found out.

"Should we open it?" Dottie was first to say something.

Tim put his pen and paper down to narrow his eyes at the box. "We don't know who it's for, we can't let the others know that we were already down here."

The sound of a bell knelled through the air as a message appeared on the screen.

Think of it as a gift of goodwill... I don't expect you'll be wanting to tell the other players about it.

Eli shot up and went over to the small box, about to reach out for it.

"Hey, slow down, how do we know this isn't some sort of trick?" Owen spoke up.

They all exchanged looks, not sure of what to make of the omnipotent Gamemaster and his gift.

"We don't." Hana answered. "But if he wants to trick us then he will, there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Tim bit on his tongue, he hated the reality that anything he did was inconsequential to the Gamemaster's desires. "I'll open it." He stepped forward, not so subtly shoving Eli aside.

He didn't hesitate when removing the lid and then looked down. Deep blue eyes lit up with recognition, but Tim wasn't sure what to make of it.

"What is it?" Dottie's voice went up as she asked, stepping forward in curiosity.

Tim put his hand inside and lifted out the handgun that had been sitting in the box. He looked over the old fashioned revolver, and counted out six rounds of ammunition in the cylinder.

"Give that here." Eli held his hand out, wanting to hold the gun.

"No." Tim brought it closer towards himself. "We... We don't need this right now, we should stick to the plan."

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