XI- curiosity

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day 2

Eli was very begrudgingly doing the dishes with Owen's help and as they did so Dottie saw an opportunity to catch (Y/n) alone.

Angelo had eaten so much that he practically passed out in a food coma, Bella and Max were talking, Tim was preparing his notes for the meeting and Hana was still nowhere to be seen.

She took a deep breath and hyped herself up in her head before approaching the (h/c) haired woman. "What do you think you're gonna do today?" Dottie asked with a beam that always seemed to be on her face when around (Y/n).

"I guess it depends on what Tim says in the meeting." (Y/n) shrugged and shifted in the couch to make room for Dottie to sit down which she gladly did.

"You know I was looking around my room last night and I found some swimsuits in one of the drawers. We should go swimming in the sea soon!" Dottie suggested with excitement, her freckles were hidden by the bright red complexion that adorned her cheeks when thinking of (Y/n) in something that left little to the imagination. As much as Dottie loved how cute (Y/n) looked in her clothes she couldn't help but think of how her crush would look in something a bit more revealing. 'Why am I thinking things like this? I've only known (Y/n) for two days for god's sake! Why is she all I can think of? I've become infatuated with her...'

(Y/n) bit on her lip at the mention of swimming in the sea, not knowing the effect that expression had on poor Dottie. The last thing she wanted was to go into the ocean so she just winced and made a vague 'eh' noise. "I'm not sure, swimming's not really my thing."

"That's okay!" Dottie jumped in. "I just thought it could be fun but if you don't want to then I won't make you!" She rambled profusely, never wanting (Y/n) to think she'd force her to do anything she didn't want to do.

(Y/n) was surprised when she found herself smiling at Dottie's eagerness to reassure her. She thought that the mention of the water would put her in a bad mood but she found it amusing how Dottie tried to convince her that her denial was okay. "You're very kind, Dottie."

Dottie sighed happily and put her hands to her own cheeks in a failed attempt to control the heat that was rushing to them.

(Y/n)'s eyes flashed to the screen that was displaying the time, their meeting would be starting soon and Eli and Owen returned from the kitchen around this time.

Eli glanced at (Y/n), seeing if she was going to regard him and huffed when she didn't. His pride wouldn't allow him to initiate conversation no matter how badly he wanted so he just pouted and settled down on an arm chair.

"Morning, ladies." Owen went over to Dottie and (Y/n). "Are you doing okay?" He directed his question towards (Y/n) as he knew that his discovery last night had spooked her quite a bit.

"Uh, yeah, I'm doing a lot better."

Dottie frowned slightly and looked between the two of them. She couldn't expect (Y/n) to tell her everything that happened but if something was upsetting her then Dottie very much intended on finding out.

"Did something happen?" She asked worriedly.

(Y/n) and Owen shared a quick look but before any communication could be made Owen shook his head. "It's nothing, (Y/n) just got a little stressed out yesterday."

(Y/n) gave him a small smile, thanking him for not going into too much detail though she wondered if he'd told anyone else about the message on his wall.

Just thinking about it sent chills down her spine as she wondered what could have happened to 'Alison'.

Tim was next to walk in and he peered around the room to see only four players present. "Once Hana, Max, Angelo and Bella get here we can begin." He took his place standing in the centre of the seating around the living room as his scanned over his notes one last time.

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