XX- personal

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day 8

It was the day everyone had been dreading. This was meant to be the 'official' start of the game since a week had gone by.

(Y/n) was quite happily enjoying staying in bed a little longer but the Gamemaster had other plans. The same alarm from the first day blared through her room.

She sat up with a loud groan and covered her ears to protect her eardrums from the penetratingly loud tone.

The screen on her wall had a message on it for the first time since the first day and (Y/n) gulped upon seeing it.

Your delivery arrived last night and is waiting for you in the kitchen.

It spooked her to think that people had been in the house while her and her housemates slept without anyone knowing it. She quickly got out of bed with her hands still clamped over her ears firmly, only removing them to open up the door.

(Y/n) was still in her pyjamas but didn't care much as she'd much rather being seen a bit informally than have to listen to what sounded like an air raid siren. Besides, the players had become closer over the past week. There were still creases to be ironed out such as Eli and Tim still being at each other's throats, Eli being generally unpleasant to everyone in the house and Bella being distrustful of everyone apart from (Y/n), Max and Angelo.

She'd had time to be able to spend more time with everyone in the house, some seeming more enthusiastic about seeing her than others. But she and Max had established themselves as pretty close friends, finding they had a lot in common.

Once outside of her room she rubbed over one of her eyes to remove the sleep that had built up in it. (Y/n) patted down her messy (h/c) hair a bit so she was at least slightly presentable.

She walked down the steps that took her out of the attic and the second she reached the hallway she was met with Tim standing by the bottom of the staircase, also in his sleepwear.

"You had the alarm too?" (Y/n) asked him, a slight yawn slipped into her words.

Oceanic blue eyes looked her up and down, Tim's cheeks flushed slightly with how adorable he thought she looked in her pyjamas. "Um... Yes." He hesitated to answer as he got lost in looking at her.

Luckily for him, (Y/n) was too focused on letting out another yawn that forced her eyes shut to notice his stares.

"Kitchen, right?" She confirmed to which Tim gave a nod and the two of them headed down to the assigned room, both curious of what could be delivered to them.

Tim and (Y/n) happened to be the last of the players to show up as the other seven stood around the large unopened box in the kitchen.

Bella was the only person who had powered through the alarm and got herself fully ready, smart clothing, brushed hair and a full face of makeup complete with her red lipstick.

"Is this everyone?" Tim's eyes scanned the room to check that the whole household was in attendance and was he saw all of eight of his housemates he clapped his hands together. "I suppose we should open this up."

Tim went over to the cardboard box and readied himself to tear open the top.

"Wait!" Angelo suddenly yelled, making Tim stop his actions. "What if it's bomb or something?" He shuddered.

"It's not a bomb, you idiot." Eli spat and crossed his arms. "Just open it."

Tim checked to see if there were any ore objections and then got on with opening it up.

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