XXII- good grief

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day 9

Bright amber eyes seemed to glow with flecks of gold in the dark of the early hours of the morning. Hana thanked her impeccable skill for staying dead silent as she watched the steady rising and falling of the mound of duvets (Y/n) was buried under.

Hana stood in the corner of (Y/n)'s room, a neutral yet satisfied expression gracing her face.

She walked closer to to the bedside in order to get a better look at (Y/n)'s face. How peaceful and calm she appeared in her slumber, Hana couldn't help but turn the corners of her lips slightly upwards.

Her heart was fluttering in her chest as she felt utterly weightless in (Y/n)'s presence.

'I've never felt devotion like this, (Y/n). It makes me feel so... good. YOU make me feel good, do you know how special that is? When you look at me it makes me feel like I'm someone worth looking at and after feeling worthless for the longest time it is magical to have use.'

Hana tilted her head and leaned a bit closer to (Y/n), she wanted to see her from every possible angle. She just looked so warm and cozy wrapped up in the covers, Hana wanted nothing more than to climb into bed beside her. She'd keep (Y/n) warm much better than any blanket could, her love for the other woman would radiate out of her like the heat of the sun.

That was if Hana could ever reach that point with (Y/n).

Hana sighed sadly, these fantasies were nothing more than that: fantasies. They were not real... And it would be a miracle if they ever were.

She wasn't quite like the others in her way of imagining her relationship with (Y/n). Tim and Owen saw her as already their own, it was predestined for them to be together. Eli and Dottie were both determined to make her their's. But Hana viewed (Y/n) as totally unobtainable.

(Y/n) was the very definition of perfection in Hana's eyes, she couldn't expect someone as magnificent as (Y/n) to stoop down to her level. It would be selfish to make (Y/n) her own. But that didn't stop her from dreaming... A lot.

She'd debated with herself a lot about coming into (Y/n)'s room and now she was here she feared for what would happen next. Hana couldn't make a habit of selfish behaviour like this or before long things could escalate. She'd end up fooling herself into thinking that she was anywhere good enough for (Y/n).

For now she just liked to watch (Y/n) breathe.

(Y/n) poked at the bowl of fruit she was eating for breakfast with her fork a few times, not really feeling up to eating it.

She sat opposite Max at the otherwise empty table, (Y/n) tended to sleep in later than most other residents of the house but Max decided to wait for her that day considering what she shared with him the day before.

"You gonna eat that or just move it around?" He sat up a bit to see that she was yet to make a dent in her breakfast.

"I feel bad just sitting here and doing nothing, waiting for the game to begin and for shit to hit the fan." (Y/n) set her fork down with a clatter. "It's like we're being led to the slaughter and doing fuck all about it!"

"I know what you mean..." Max cast his emerald green eyes down partially, they clouded over with a sense of longing for the outside world. "But I don't think there's much we can do for the time being."

"This motherfucker is playing around with us like we're his puppets! And we're just going along with it!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

It infuriated her that they'd been placed in this game but for the past week she'd been operating with the belief that if they all went along with it inoffensively then they'd make it out okay. But since her little 'gift', (Y/n) refused to play along.

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