ENDING- tymoteusz rubio

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day 100

Tim tapped his foot nervously, he and the others had been given a more diluted message of what would happen.

If (Y/n) chose them then their door would be opened within the next hour and if she didn't then they'd be disposed of later that day.

He was practically losing his mind thinking it all over, Tim wasn't ready to die and he certainly wasn't ready to give (Y/n) up.

This lack of power made him feel so weak, he'd spent his whole adult life trying to stop himself from feeling as weak and powerless as he had as a child.

His head hung low and his blue eyes were squeezed shut. His shoulders were shaking in anticipation but he knew very well that time was running out and if he wasn't chosen then it was over for him.

He would lose (Y/n) and he would die, the former came with the latter attached onto the end anyway but the Gamemaster was making sure of it.

There was so much more he wanted to say to (Y/n) and he would never see her again now. A few sorrowful tears managed to slip from his eyes and drop to the floor.

Any shred of confidence that he had attempted to portray outwardly to the others had shrivelled into nothingness. It didn't make sense for him to be so arrogant yet so sure that this was the end.

Tim may have been cocky but he was realistic, being the person pulling the strings had its downsides. She probably thought of him as some manipulative jackass who was totally out of the question.

It was odd because before this he didn't much worry if (Y/n) didn't like him as much, if he just had the opportunity to get her alone then he would've been able to get her all to himself but life hadn't worked out that way and now came that downfall.

More time... That was what Tim needed to convince (Y/n). He always needed a little more time becuase he trusted in planning ahead and being prepared.

He wasn't prepared for death, he wasn't prepared for any of this.

Tim knew his luck would run out eventually and this seemed to be the day it finally would.

If there was an afterlife perhaps he'd see his sister again. Part of him didn't want to. Nat wouldn't like what he had become, she'd been so good her whole life and he was just... The opposite.

But if he was honest with himself, if there was somewhere after death then it would be insulting to suggest that he and Nat would be in the same place.

A shaky breath left Tim's lips, he'd love (Y/n) even in death if she chose someone else but he just prayed that all the odds would be defied and-

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a bell, his eyes shot to the screen and he could barely believe what he was reading.

Congratulations, Tymoteusz Rubio, you've won the game.

He didn't understand, it had to be some sick joke but then the prominent sound of an unlocking door was heard and the widest smile Tim had ever hosted crept onto his face.

(Y/n) had chosen him.

His very own kitten had picked him above anyone else to be with for the rest of her life.

A delighted laugh left him, he wanted to jump for joy but the celebrations could wait. First he had to thank his saviour who he should have never doubted.

Tim threw the door open and strode down the hall, he wished more than ever that the rooms weren't soundproof so he could gloat to all the rooms he passed.

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