XVII- hush

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day 3

It was a brand new day and (Y/n) was eating some cereal in the kitchen, she had been assigned to shelve some of the books in the library in some sort of order. She was slightly dreading the job and was unsure why Tim was assigning all of them stuff like this that was essentially just busy work.

She went to wash up her bowl and heard someone else enter the kitchen.

"Good morning, (Y/n)." It was Tim. Great, just who she didn't want to see. (Y/n) knew they'd have to work out the awkwardness at some point but it was still weird. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty well, what about you?" (Y/n) answered.

"I woke up a few times but I'm not too tired." Tim paused to see if (Y/n) would bring up what they were both thinking or if he'd have to do it himself. Seeing that she stayed silent and just scrubbed at her bowl he took the initiative to speak up. "It's so crazy what Eli said yesterday about us."

(Y/n) uncomfortably laughed and turned away from the sink. "Right? Totally crazy."

They both went quiet and averted their eyes from each other.

'God, this is so awkward... I know Eli was only saying it to get Tim riled up so why do I still feel like shit?' She looked down at her feet and aimlessly traced her foot over the floor.

"Everything okay in here?"

Both (Y/n) and Tim let out a sigh of relief as the tension in the air was lessened by Owen's entrance.

"Yeah, I need to go to the library and get started soon." (Y/n) smiled at him and started drying her bowl.

Tim was ticked off that (Y/n) was obviously ignoring him but it was better to allow her to get over it by herself rather than pushing it. His blue eyes switched to look at Owen. "Any plans for today?"

"I was talking to Dottie earlier about going swimming in the sea, I think she got Eli on board too. Max and Bella said they wouldn't though. Not sure about the rest. Do you guys want to join us later?" Owen was more directing his words at (Y/n), praying she would agree to go swimming with them.

"I'm gonna have to say no." (Y/n) said without missing a beat. There was absolutely no way she was doing that.

Tim was honestly taking cues from (Y/n) on how to answer so he just shook his head to Owen to indicate his negative response.

The ginger felt a little put out but held up a causal front. "No worries." He grinned.

(Y/n) winced as she looked at the innumerable amount of books in the library. It would take an entire lifetime to sort all of them? Well, she didn't have anything else to do in this place.

She groaned inwardly when she saw that they had been put in the bookcase seemingly randomly. (Y/n) pulled one out and looked over the eroded cover.

It was an encyclopedia about birds native to the Polynesian area. She momentarily considered if the island they were on was somewhere near or in Polynesia but her thoughts were rudely interrupted by Bella's sudden presence.

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