XXXV- quiet

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day 23

Hana woke up the next morning with a new glint in her amber eyes.

After (Y/n) was pulled in the water she spent the rest of the day with Hana while everyone else was too busy berating Eli. Of course Hana wasn't happy about the fact that (Y/n) had been so miserable but it was still pure bliss to be with her for so long and in such a vulnerable and raw way.

All that was on Hana's mind was images of a future with (Y/n) by her side. Hana was sure she'd give (Y/n) such a good life, something neither of them ever really had.

Hana Anthony had always been quiet. Her mother, June, didn't like it when she was loud. Even when Hana was just a baby June would put her in another room as she cried.

June was a young mother, only nineteen when her daughter was born. It wasn't the direction she ever wanted her life to go and that led to resent... A whole lot of it.

"Hana, you'll go fetch me some sage from Aubrey's patch." June commanded.

Hana didn't even need to nod or say anything to confirm that she was going to do as she was told. She'd been trained to just obey her mother without question, even at just ten years old she knew better than to respond.

She opened the door of their trailer and stepped outside into the cool and misty air. She sniffed at the familiar scent of cigarettes mixed with the various flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables that were being grown across the many plots around the trailer park.

It was a close community all of the same heathanist strand of paganism as June. Multiple people greeted Hana as she walked in the direction of Aubrey's plot, she didn't say anything but they didn't expect her to.

Hana knocked at the door of Aubrey's trailer and a middle aged woman opened it. She had remarkably pale almost white skin and a frown on her face.

"What do you want?" She snarled at the young girl.

"Mother's plot was stolen from. She has no sage leaves, they are required for-"

"For her voodoo shit." Aubrey completed, she was the only person in the trailer park who didn't believe in any of it, well, the only person other than Hana.

"For her magic." Hana corrected.

"Right, her... Magic." Aubrey emphasised the last word mockingly. "She wants mine?"

Hana nodded.

"Tough shit. Tell June that if she wants sage then she has to grow it herself." The pale woman snapped.

"I grew it." Hana's facial expression hadn't changed at all in the whole interaction. Hell, it hadn't changed since the beginning of the day. "I said it was stolen."

"So? Why should I give mine to you? It's not like I stole it."

Hana was confused. She always got confused when June didn't get her way becuase June getting what she wanted was the most important thing in Hana's eyes. June's needs had to be valued above everyone else's so Aubrey should hand over the sage.

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