LXXIV- despair

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day 68

No one heard a word about Dottie and (Y/n)'s kiss the previous day. There was a sort of silent agreement of secrecy between them when the shift for looking over (Y/n) turned to Tim.

It made (Y/n) think about all the times she'd kissed them, assuming they hadn't told each other then it was only her first kiss with Dottie and her kiss with Eli that anyone knew anything about. She'd kissed Hana once, Owen twice and had obviously kissed Dottie again and no one seemed to know a thing about it.

Not that she was eager to change that but she really inwardly scolded herself for doing that with Dottie. Max would have given her a hard time for it if he were still around... He was something (Y/n) was trying to think about less.

If Max were still alive he probably wouldn't be proud of what (Y/n) had done, there wasn't one thing she'd done since he died that (Y/n) truly could commend herself on.

(Y/n) was watching a movie on the screen in the living room with Tim and Eli, an odd combination to say the least but it was Tim's shift with her and Eli didn't like him alone with (Y/n). They were about half way through the movie by the time their bickering had simmered down, (Y/n) was sat between them and was just trying her hardest to tune it all out.

"This is so unrealistic." Tim scoffed in critique of the movie they were watching.

"It's a film, it's not meant to be realistic." Eli mumbled.

"It's actually a movie, not a film. There's a difference. And anyway just becuase something is fictional doesn't mean it shouldn't attempt to be somewhat believable."

"No one cares." Eli rolled his eyes.

"Is that how you argue when you know you're wrong?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a film." Eli spat, aggression rising in his tone.

"It's a movie."

"Movie, film, whatever! It's the same fucking thing!"

(Y/n) sighed lightly when hearing Eli's volume pick up, she knew it was all about to kick off now. Just when she thought their squabbling had subsided.

"They have different definitions! I said that ten seconds ago!" Tim was trying to keep on the calmer side.

Eli was not. "Yeah, but when I call it a film you still know what I'm talking about so it's not like it even matters!!"

"It does matter, it's incorrect."

"Go cry about it on your own time!"

"This is my time! I'm meant to be looking after (Y/n)! You shouldn't even be here!"

When Tim said her name it was like they only just registered that she was sitting in between them listening to their whole petty argument. They both immediately softened and placed their hands on her in some way, Tim was stroking the top of her head while his other hand was placed delicately on (Y/n)'s thigh, Eli threw an arm over her shoulder and caressed the side of her face with the other.

She almost got whiplash from their very sudden change in demeanour.

"Are you enjoying the film, (Y/n)?" Eli asked.

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