III- exploration

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(a/n): Hi everyone! I know it's still very early days for this sorry but I hope you're enjoying it so far, I promise the different characters will become clear in due time, I just wanted to get everyone introduced.

To see what all the characters look like go to 'my notebook' as I have just uploaded on there in a chapter called 'players of the game'.

Thank you so much for reading!

-L.T. May

day 1

Bella took the defeat in her stride and sat back down without any fuss.

Tim took another look over the people around him and (Y/n) could practically see the wheels in his head turning as he tried to figure out how to kick things off.

"The most important thing to do is finding a way to co-exist-"

"Surely the most important thing would be getting out of here." Max interrupted bitterly.

"We should figure out why we're here." Bella contradicted. "Then we can end this game."

"It's pretty obvious what we're doing here." Angelo scoffed and all eyes turned to him inquisitively. "We're all young, attractive, eligible, this guy clearly wants us to have a massive orgy."

"Jesus Christ..." Eli groaned and put his face in his hands.

"I mean, you're all single, right?" Angelo defended his point amidst the sea of dismissive looks. Everyone looked around at each other, seeming to confirm his statement.

Everyone apart from Max.

"Hey! I'm married! I've got a baby, a baby who is gonna be wondering where her dad's gone!" He yelled. "Let's stop fucking around and get out of here!" He repeated from earlier whole waving his hands around.

"I'm very sorry to hear that you have a spouse and child waiting at home but for the time being there's no way to see them. We need to find a way to stop us from losing our minds and killing each other." Tim looked over to Max apologetically. Max didn't have any time for this bullshit, he just wanted to be back home with his husband and daughter who he was missing dearly.

"I suggest we have meetings like this once a week, the same day we get our deliveries. At these meetings we assign jobs for the week such as cleaning, cooking, doing dishes and so on." Tim continued like he was defending a client in court. Everything about him was so... material, (Y/n) wondered what he was actually like.

"I can make up a spreadsheet for this week and in the meantime I'd suggest you all get yourself aquatinted with the house as a whole. Report to me any information about rooms and that as it will help in making up the map." He concluded.

Everyone looked around at each other expectantly, none wanting to be first to get up and start looking around. (Y/n) feared a scenario where she get lost never to be retrieved.

Tim shot one last smile to all the players, his dark blue eyes caught onto (Y/n)'s (e/c) ones. She could tell he was a little salty about her voting for Bella rather than him. He then stalked away presumably to make up this spreadsheet.

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