ENDING- elliot barber jr.

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day 100

Eli's eyes were dead set on the screen, he simply could not look away.

He feared his ragged and uneven breaths would be the end of him before he even knew how (Y/n) would vote.

This room that he'd been staying in for the past one hundred days suddenly felt ten times smaller than it used to be. There wasn't enough oxygen to breathe and barely enough space for his heart to beat.

Eli gulped and blinked repeatedly to stop himself from crying. He couldn't allow one tear to fall, he had to remain confident. This wasn't to say that Eli wasn't confident, he hadn't totally ruled out the possibility of getting chosen but he was also acknowledging the very real scenario where (Y/n) picked someone else.

It was something he didn't want to face but was trying to come terms with it.

'She can't just fucking leave me like this... She can't make me love her and then do this shit to me, it's... It's not fucking fair!!'

Although over the past week he'd put out an image of sureness, his inner insecurities had been crawling around his mind the whole time and were finally taking over.

All of his old self doubts were returning, for so much of his childhood Eli had examined himself to try and figure out where he had gone wrong to make his father leave.

Was it the way he looked? The way he acted? He wasn't always this mean and bitter it was his dad that made him that way... Did (Y/n) think of him as unnecessarily cruel? Would she leave him because of that?

He had never meant to hurt her if his harsh words ever did, he was just... He'd just felt like he wasn't enough his whole life. Eli had seen no point in being kind to people if they were just going to leave him, (Y/n) was the only person who made him feel like making an effort... But maybe it wasn't enough.

He'd learned this lesson long ago from Elliot and it was pitiful that he had to be taught it again.

At least this time he was going to get put out of his misery a bit quicker. Eli scoffed morbidly, he couldn't live without (Y/n) and it turned out that he didn't have a choice.

The hour was ticking by and with it Eli's hope depleted, he shut his eyes and drew in a deep breath.

It wasn't going to happen.

Ironically, it was when his eyes were shut and he wasn't looking at the screen when the bell rang.

He brought his vision back immediately to scan the screen once more:

Congratulations, Elliot Barber Jr, you've won the game.

His breath hitched and Eli sat up. Did he really read what he thought he read?

His eyes followed each letter again to confirm and upon his fifth time reading it a wide smile crossed his face.

"Oh, thank God." He sighed out, the tears he'd been holding back began to dribble over his cheeks but Eli no longer cared.

More than happy to leave his room, Eli ran out into the hall and headed for the attic. But this wasn't before he took a quick detour to Tim's room.

"Ya' hear that, Timmy?" He taunted even though Tim couldn't hear or see him. "(Y/n) loves me! More than she would ever fucking love you!" He laughed heartily and kicked at the door. "Have fun in hell, I'll see you there later!"

Eli just couldn't help gloating, if only he could see the disappointment in Tim's face...

But that was very much besides the point, Eli had to go and thank (Y/n) first and foremost. Though upon thinking it over there wasn't much to thank her for- she was his and knowing that didn't deserve any recognition. It was just expected.

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