LXX- neutrality

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day 65

Hana was fiddling with her door when the bell sounded out. She stepped back to look at her screen and then it hit her why she'd been locked in.

Lovely little Hana Anthony... I've been hoping to talk to you for some time now.

She raised her eyebrow incredulously at the message on the screen.

It's a real shame I won't get to talk to Bella, no screen in the basement after all. Not to worry! There are still plenty of cameras and microphones that pick up how well you're taking care for her.

She kept looking at the screen without any visual reaction. The Gamemaster expected her numbness, Hana was never one to overact.

How long will you keep Bella down there for?

Hana's lips turned down, Bella asked her this question nearly everyday and she still didn't have an answer.

That's a question.

"I don't know." Hana breathed out.

It's a bit cruel of you, isn't it? Perhaps she wants to be dead at this point.

Hana shook her head, she'd never understand the notion of someone wishing for death no matter how bad things got.

You really think you're doing her a service by 'protecting' her but you're not. Not even your mother did something like that... And we all know your mother's a huge bitch.

"Don't call her that." Hana snapped.

What? A bitch? I'm sure that's how (Y/n) would describe her too. Do you care about your bitch mother more than (Y/n)?

"No... I love (Y/n) more than anyone else but...I care about them both."

If you love (Y/n) more than anything then why burn her?

Hana scowled.

And if you burned her because of your mother then why do you care for her?

"Shut up." She said sharply.

Hana took a bit of her own hair in her hands and pulled on it harshly. There was a short period of silence before her next message.

You can't hide Bella forever. She'll die no matter what you do, whether you do it yourself, let her go and let her get caught or leave her down there to starve. Bella's already doomed. Why are you preserving something that's not there?

"I'm not going to let Bella die." Hana said with determination. "I don't know what's going to happen in the future but I will not let anyone else die."

Is that why you stood by while Angelo was drowned? Or when Max was stabbed? Because you so clearly value human life.

"Intervening with either of those two would have signed my own death warrant, it was out of my power." She said.

Hana sighed out when there was no response from the Gamemaster, she went back to the door and tried to open it again only for it not to budge. She grunted and repeatedly pushed and pulled to try and get out.

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