LVII- celebration

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day 55

"Happy birthday!!!" (Y/n) cheered when Hana entered the kitchen that morning.

Hana was startled out of her tired state and blinked a few times before actually registering that it was her birthday. "Oh..." She wasn't quite sure of what the proper response would be. "Thank you." The corner of Hana's lips twitched upwards.

"Everyone's through to the dining hall waiting for you for breakfast." (Y/n) walked over to Hana and took her hand. "And then I'm making you your cake and we can do whatever you want for the day."

Hana nodded slowly, she didn't usually celebrate her birthday so this was different... But nice. Her heart was warmed by the fact that this had obviously been organised by (Y/n).

(Y/n) led the white-haired woman through to the dining hall where the table was filled with the other players. There were two open spaces between Max and Tim which Hana and (Y/n) filled with Hana between (Y/n) and Tim.

"Happy birthday." Tim said to her with a genuine smile. Some other wishes of good will came from her other housemates but they were far less sincere, they all were just jealous that (Y/n) was going to be giving her attention to Hana all day.

"This looks lovely." Hana said referring to the grand breakfast laid out on the table.

"Owen made it all." (Y/n) told her, happily looking over to him.

"Well, this was all (Y/n)'s idea so she's the one you should be thanking." Owen returned, enjoying the color his comment brought to (Y/n)'s cheeks.

Hana couldn't help but smile again, she knew that she'd be showing off her rare grin more times today than she ever had before. "Thank you again, (Y/n)... A-all of you too."

Obviously no one was able to get her any gifts but (Y/n) intended to make up for it by giving her a great day.

The conversation was mostly carried by (Y/n), Max and Tim that morning with them being the only three actually interested in giving Hana a good birthday, even if she wasn't Max's favorite person she wasn't as suspect as the rest to him, and both Tim and (Y/n) viewed her as a good friend. Owen and Dottie tried to get involved but only to show (Y/n) how 'kind' and 'compassionate' they were. Eli didn't even try as usual.

As the food on the table slowly but surely depleted, (Y/n) eventually stood up to leave only to have her sleeve grabbed by Hana.

"Where are you going?" She asked with wide eyes, (Y/n) hadn't even left yet and she already missed her presence.

"I need to make your cake." (Y/n) smiled sweetly down at Hana, thinking that she'd be let go of but Hana only stood up too.

"I'll help you." Hana announced.

"You shouldn't have to make your own birthday cake." Dottie spoke up in an attempt to keep Hana away from (Y/n). "Maybe I should help instead-"

"No, I would really like to make a cake." Hana said with some aggression towards her female rival. "It's my birthday and that's what I'd like to do."

(Y/n) checked the ingredients in the book as she pulled out various baking supplies from differnt cupboards and drawers.

"I've never made a cake before." Hana said honestly. She was sat up on the countertop as (Y/n) scaled the kitchen for ingredients and utensils. It made Hana feel guilty that she was so useless.

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