Yet Another Headcanon

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Lovino and Feliciano tease Romeo by quoting "Romeo and Juliet"

Feliciano: Romeo, o, Romeo. Where art thou, Romeo?

Lovino: *overdramatic face* O serpent heart hid with a flowering face!
Did ever a dragon keep so fair a cave?
Beautiful tyrant, feind angelical, dove feather raven, wolvish-ravening lamb! Despised substance of devinest show, just opposite to what thou justly seemest - A dammed saint, an honourable villain!

Feliciano: If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. *duck face*

Romeo: Will you two stop, already?

If you don't get this one, Seborga's human name is Romeo. And I thought this up.

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