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Okay. I'm sorry about that one. I tried to thank you guys, but instead, started ranting at you. So...thank you. Ariguto. Grazie. Gracie. Danke. Merci. Sooooo yah. On a similar (completely unrelated) note. Here's this.

Me: *lies in snow* Brrr. I love snow.
Russia: (Don't include me in this.)
Me: (Oh)
America: Dude! It's snowing!
Japan: Yuki. I'm gonna nope my way out of this one.
England: It's bloody cold!
Me: It'd better snow on Christmas.
America: Yuki? Isn't that a character from one of your animes?
Japan: *refrains from face palming*
Me: *face palms for him*
Me: *hugs every character. Except Belarus. Belarus isn't here. Cause she'd kill me if she was.* I no longer have a favorite character. You're all so kawaii!!

You get ONE hint on one of your gifts. Here it is:

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