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XD So I've started reading some of these (the fluff ones) and. Just...XD

There was one where Germany and Italy were making out, and you see Japan in the background taking pictures. One where Japan blackmailed England to where a maid's outfit, with pictures of UsUk.
Japan impersonating Germany, and it backfiring because Italy 'came onto him' as it said.
Prussia falling to his knees screaming "It's maple syrup!" When Spain accused Prussia and France of having "honey sex with Romano, when even he hadn't had permission to do that."
America trying to be "calm and sexy" for England, and he ended up posing while Japan took pictures and got a nosebleed.
Germany turning into a cat, and Italy yelling, "This is cute, but scary!"

I can't tell you the names of them, because I forgot...but I found them on Tumblr.

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