M' W'fe

269 18 49

The setting is a world meeting. Ooooolululululu *setting noise*

France: Non! I won't agree with either of you.
England: There's no other choice, you wanker! It's my idea, or his! And sense he's so bloody stupid, my answer's obviously the right one!
America: Dude! My idea's totally the best!
Poland: Hey! You shouldn't, like, steal other people's thing! That's like, totally, not cool!
Norway: *staring at Iceland, intensely* Say it...
Iceland: No.
Norway: Say it...you promised to call me big brother.
Iceland: I'm not saying it.
Denmark: you're still bringing that up?
Norway: Big bro
Iceland: No.
Norway: Big bro.
Iceland: I'm not saying it.
Norway: Big sis.
Iceland: Now you're not making any sense.
Russia: Become one with Mother Russia, Da?
China: U-uhh...how bout no...aru..
Italy: Ve~
Germany: Now. We shall proceed in an orderly fashion!
France and Poland: Fashion!
Germany: *death glare*
Germany: The first to raise their hand will get the chance to speak! Raise your hand in a way that doesn't offend my country!
Sweden: *raises hand*
Finland: Wow...you're gonna speak..?
Germany: Germany recognizes Sweden! Go ahead and speak!
Sweden: *hugs Finland* This is my wife.

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