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Ugh, people. They are being THAT WAY. I'm getting sick of this.

Others: VOTE FOR MY STORIES! FOLLOW ME! Comment or I'll delete this book! *already has 200 followers and 100k reads and 800 votes*

Me: OMFG. PEOPLE READ MY STORIES. *won't stop thanking people* HAS 600 VOTES?! How'd this happen?! *completely serious* I have no social life...! Follow me! UNFOLLOW ME. Comment. I really don't care at this point. *freaks out over 72 followers* PEOPLE KNOW ME NOW. In all seriousness, a couple months ago, I was that account NO ONE knew. I barely did anything. Then I was introduced to Hetalia, read some yaoi, and commented with smartassery. I became somewhat noticed by that, and decided "Why not write a book? It'll be...funny? No. Not just funny, but RANDOM. That's how all this started.

And I'm seriously getting pissed off, that writers aren't appreciating what they have, and wanting more.

On that note...


America: Dude. Chill.

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