How I became obsessed with fanfictions

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This IS related to Hetalia, just...listen.
So the story begins...
I got a wattpad around...2012. I made it during school, cause I was in science class, and we were just researching stuff. Nothing interesting. Well, the Internet was amazing and beautiful to me, cause I didn't have it at the time. My friend told me to get a Wattpad and I was like, "hells ya, a website for reading? AMAZING."
My username was the hardest part for me. I am TERRIBLE with names, after all. My friend, frustrated with the fact that I spent fifteen minutes on the 'put in your username' page, put in one for me. Deathlyrose666. Neither of us are Christian, but I was thinking 'people would absolutely hate me for this. But I do like Deathlyrose. I'll just change it a bit...'
So I put in DeathlyRose24, cause for some reason, I put 24 with all of my usernames. Not quite sure why...
I put in my profile and background pictures, and I looked around the website. They were mostly fanfictions. I got angry and decided I hated fanfics. So for two years I only read original stories. It was okay, I guess. Then, I started watching Hetalia. I became obsessed right away. I watched every episode twice. Then I was bored again. Well, one day I was like, "I ship Germany and Italy so much. I wish they'd make it official...but what if I read a fanfiction...I am in a yaoi mood...but NO! I swore I wouldn't read them!"
I gave in pretty quickly.
So I searched and found some. I was unsure how I'd react, cause Hetalia's an anime, and this was reading. But I gave in! *says in righteous voice*
I absolutely loved it. Soon I read all the Gerita fanfics that weren't just one-shots. Then there was Spamono, the Prucan...the moral of the story is I have over thirty fanfictions in my library. And if you know any good ones please tell me ^w^
BTW I started reading fanfictions last weak. So, Ahahaha. It's kinda gotten out of hand.

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