My First Ship

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My first ship wasn't Hetalia related. Nor was it Black Butler, or Soul Eater, or even Fruits Basket. My first ship was Pokèmon.
The setting was fifth grade. I only had two friends, I didn't know what shipping was, and the only anime I saw at the time was Pokèmon.
I LOVE fire types. I always have. When I was three, I couldn't pronounce Charizard, so I'd run around saying "Char-Char!" (Charizard has and will always be my favorite pokèmon) and, "Ninetailsh!" (Saying my s's correctly was bish. I still occasionally have trouble with that. *shakes fist in righteous anger* Damn you S!!)
Well, my ship was Ninetails x Houndoom. I loved the thought of it. To me, they were perfect for each other. I made fanart, hell I even wanted to make an amv so I drew it on paper for the day I'd get internet (sadly they were thrown away)
Yes. I still love Pokèmon. There's nothing wrong with it. I still regret giving away my pokèmon cards. I did it, cause I was made fun of for still having them. Now that I don't really care what most people think, I really regret that. I still call Charizard "Char-Char"
Now. You may be wandering, 'what the hell?! I read this for Hetalia, not Pokèmon!'
The point is, I wanna know more bout my Spabesties. And in order to do that, you gotta know more about me. Here it is:
My name is Katelyn. The last name I use isn't my real one. It's my mom's maiden name, which I like better, cause I hate my father.
I am fourteen.
My first anime was Pokèmon. Dragonball was my second.
I LOVE to draw. People tell me I'm pretty good at it.
I want to make videos on YouTube, but can't. I would love to make amvs.
Due to me not having internet access until very recently, I know few of those whatchamacallits. You know, gtg, brb, tbh, ikr.
Music is a very big part of my life.
I'm actually very new to the Hetalia fandom.
Though it's been confirmed that I am indeed an Otaku, I know very little of our phrases.
I'm very self conscious, and hate my appearance, I've never shown my face to any of my internet friends. And I hate, hate, HATE selfies.
Although my spelling can be atrocious at times, I can be a Grammar Nazi

So, how bout you guys tell me a something about you? Not being stalkerish. I don't want to know where you live or anything. Just tell me a fun fact, or something.

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