Continueing My Lovely Rants

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FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP MAKING FRANCE A RAPIST. You are all horrible to assume that! He flirts with them, SO WHAT?! Stop it, cause it's so UNFAIR.

On a similar note, STOP MAKING THE BTT SO BAD. Okay, yes. They are very devious at times, and they flirt with everyone. But this is getting out of hand! You make them off as these bad characters who force themselves on others. THEY AREN'T.

Stop making Spain a pedophile! You guys got problems! He's simply to oblivious to notice Romano liking him WHEN HE'S OLDER. Watching Boss Spain and Chibiromano, you can easily tell that Spain's affection is BROTHERLY at the time. And what's with Spain being the dominant one? Okay, yeah, he's part of the BTT, but he's too oblivious about Romano. They are a ship. Spain and Romano. Not Spain and Chibiromano. Understand the difference.

STOP MAKING RUSSIA THIS ABUSIVE, EVIL CHARACTER. I fucking HATE it! He's not that bad! You people need to realize that the only truly scary character in Hetalia is Belarus! she scares RUSSIA! And you fail to realize how truly terrifying she is!

RusAme. Do NOT bring this up with me. I cannot STAND this ship. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I ship UsUk. It's because Russia CLEARLY hates America with a passion. You know what it is? A CRACK PAIR. THEY ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SUIT EACH OTHER!

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